Monday, January 11, 2021

What a tangle turbulant sky we fly


Spent all night fretting about comments at my local coffee shop, here that were raised by some little split tail, that decided to exit, our career thing. What get's me, is she was fired, she wasn't hairassed, Nor harmed. It was her decision to take on our career opportunity. Was that our fault? No. But she made such a fuss, posting nasty insinuating garbage on facebook. Again not true. But it's one thing to kick me in the groin, its another when she incites a riot with one of, if not my dearest female friends on the planet. When they go after my Nurse GoodBody, I call her that because she resembles Nurse GoodBody from HeeHaw 

yea I know we make a great-looking couple. In answer to the obvious, she's not ready yet. After 3 bad relationships, she's still being a bit aloof. However, at the end of each text, I tell her I love her, and she says it back. Which is why I remain single ready to be with her. That said, all the toew smooches, and such that she and I did in 2009-2010 at the studio, in Gooding Idaho, were thrown out there as porn. Moreover I , mind you was called a pedophile. Shit, I used to think the word PED meant, a lady's feet, not child anything. Okay, so I was raised on a farm near Hazzard Idaho. What the hell did I know? I never have nor will harm a child. Hell, just ask Erin, her kids, and I get along just fine, in fact even when they were younger. Her son and I used to tune Harley's. Oh yea I'm an asshole. The little skanks thing will not succeed. I thought of just packing up and saying piss on it here. Fact is, I'm staying put and building this radio station, and the WolfPack, whether it kills me or not. So yesterday went out to our Hangar here, to check on the Lady. First, found mice droppings, meaning need mouse traps. Then saw a hydraulic leak under the Lady, found a hose that had came undone, so with wrenches and screwdriver, fixed that. Until Later My Friends.