I know that the way women dress when they dress or should I say skirt to work is any indication as it' not so always , but dern it all to haddeese if your going to advertise then make the product to where it's available. 0h yes , today marks the date of conception of AyreWolf/HazzardAyre Aviation. It was in a flop house in the middle of Morgan Utah, cold as haydeese. When several of my aviation pals from three (3) Marine/Navy squadrons meeting in a closed session that a subsidiary of the Hazzard Knytes for military aviation enthusiasts be established.
Enter in the Lady and all things AirWolf. Or as we say it AyreWolf. The AyreWolveZ Aviation Association formed. All things AyreWolf has grown as fast if not faster than things Hazzard County. There are currently 300,000 members of the Ayrewolvez that we simply called the WolfPack. With none of us looking back. Then there came the phenomenon of pinup girls and art for our restored mega million dollar aircraft. So I was drafted back into the scene of hiring split tail for doing the task of posing with women of all kinds for military aircraft body art. 😳 in all cases nylons we and are required. After all don't want body oils getting into aircraft paint. So bringing this in to close, what is wrong with consensual 🫦 flirting at the office ?