First off older people have a hard time with newer tech. Never fails, start trying to update shit, only to find the frigging gizmo won't work, so then going back to recover files that IT said were gone yet it's there, but YOU can't access. So then you cuss out the store here ya'll bought it. In this
Case Walmart. Lesson- 2
Don't bother buying sophisticated electronics from Walmart. They just do not have the knowledge, that they should. Reminds me of 4 years ago, both a desktop pooter from the Twin Falls Walmart. Got it to the rafter, unpacked it, and sent the dern thing to Micro-Chips to replace the motherboard. It still is at the Micro-Chips Store there. Thank Kahless for Ean ar Quick Silver Computers. He tweaked 2 computers plus the one I ended up losing, to that dead Jewish prick. Thank Kahless our guys took care of that, problem is, his son is a worse fartknocker than he was. Don't worry he'll get his. I'z just happy that even with the snow and all I'm not in Tweaker Flatts. Some tymez the field across the road is greener, just depends on how much manure you spread on it. As you might have guessed fixed the wireless keyboard. That may be why The WolfPack keeps me in this job.