Monday, November 27, 2023

Heavans to Morgatroid and dog my cat

Fussy ain't it? Having a new Samsung Galaxy  phone is great, except when your trying to use the puny keyboard. If you have Vienna sausage fingers it's hard not to make too many type mistakes or grammatical goof us. 🤪.  Yes I do have chubby fingers. So do I do a query thing and grow out my finger nails so I can carve out these newsletters so that you our members all 28 million of us and the 150 joint task force.  Wyoming is not that bad but her cold ɓdeep freeze temperatures  sure makes igniting the Turbines on the Lady a 3 hour task. Not to. mention but I will anyflyte. 
The General JaXson.  
For you that don't know General JaXson  is my tiny Saturn. The name of the sweet ❤️  is of course to honor the Confederate General.  Also to honor that which saved the club from disaster in 2007 when a snow storm dern near buried me in Glenn's Ferry Idaho. To which no other TV network could be received. All that was on Fx and of course SOA. Of which the honorable Jax Teller. So combined is JaXson
 Nuff said there.
In essence the Heavenly powers that be stopped us in under snow drifts up to 12 feet high. Thanks to those that fly and ride.
But can't Samsung make a Galaxy phone that you can enlarge the blooming keyboard?
The World may never know..