Sunday, December 10, 2023

But did you really?

I just druel over that opening actress/model Jennifer Garner does,, for Nutragina cosmetics. At the end of the day you removed all your make up, but did you really?? She is one of a very short list of lady celebs that I get wet over. I will go into that later.
What I really did is just flAT started ignoring all things facebook. In fact entered into the class action suit against infant Zuckerburg's company. Might as well get something for all the times I and the WolfPack have been fleeced by fb. I really don't care. I'm much too old and antiestablishment to be on that platform anyway and have no intention to ever return to it. Both Nate and Rick dumped it, two years ago several of the Club dumped facebook, and as far as I'm concerned so have I. So what now ? The WolfPack is engineering a site with webadore called: which will have age screening added to it. If your a young punk at that door , don't bother knocking cuzz you ain't getting in. is for adults. And adults only. For guys who can remember the aroma of hair spray on a lady from that buffont hairdoo. When HeeHaw was manditory Saturday night home Tv viewing, and our view of modern life was the Partridge Family. 
When you realize your nerves and anger diminish when you turn that shit off,``♧ then you understand.
Will there be such a suit with Twitter[]? Not daying no, not saying yes.
You may not be in the frat party that keeps you subdued, that's okay, it's about time that you joined the party of a new dawning.


Friday, December 8, 2023

I hate tech. can we just have simple?


Can we just have simplicity when it comes to technology? Just once when I'm updating certain modules for the radio gigs I prefer Plug and play, or get what I want in tech, to download without a bunch of demons looking when I download a program that needs, only to see a bunch of gunk with it. No can't do that naw, we have to see a bunch of ads and stuff. Why isn't there a simple download to replace a program that somehow I lost in the transition from Tweaker Flatts Idaho here to Evanston Wyoming. I somehow lost my WIN Media Player, so no noise or music. So stumped before I get this stallion radio network is stalled. 

My what could we do with a real tech expert, anyone need a job? 

Like I said, I hate tech. I need a Goody's. And Lynchburg lemonade.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

the feed bag of the feedback

I get these notices several times a day in my inbox. Unlike other radio_media celebs. I read and usually respond to quality feedback. Like wise I look and read over everything thing from you my fan's.  With that said even if I  had something to reward with, insulting you by telling you I will give you something if you tell me how we are doing is just that. An insult and con game
So why do these other outfits do it? Simple it's a way for them to do a slide of hand. While your answering the survey questions their tech guru is tapping into the cookie file on your phone and computer.  Don't believe me?  Take one of those money surveys then see your inbox spam bin fill up. Never fails. If it's a account or a client thats  meaty enough theses survey outfits can sell your 411 to black web firms for serious $.  Sure ya'll can take away from this that I hate scammers the web was never meant to be a thieves den, but over the years thats exactly what it's become. You get a site to learn something, but then find that you have had all things private of yours strewn out there in cyber land. Or sold to the highest bidder. Kim komondo is one I revere as honest. She expanded on this a while back. Oh you don't subscribe to her newsletter?  See our site. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

less tech naw. we need outfits with people who gets ìt done.

Okay then was on the phone and computer for  near 3 hours yesterday with a kid named Conner at GoDaddy. Unlike the gazillion times before this kid hung in there with me until 90% of my issues were solved. None of this horse dung of having a some csm call me back but this kid, stayed with me and got some higher ups to get the solution up to impulse speed. Not yet warp,  but at least forming a warp field. Connor aiñt the only one, both in store and a overnight tech was on phone with me an hour and a half with me with a tower site problem. Not one peep about a radio online station dedicated to Confederate  history as well as what's happening today with the new southern movement. Of at least the Confederate movement which as it is today is the only thing that will reshape and repair our nation.
WhAt I like are vendors and support firms that hangs in there even thougjh it might be a bitter veggie to swallow. People who will bust a move, instead of blowing it off. 
Hope to git the cyber air Friday night.
Later taters. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Did somebody say more Bs than me?

Went to dinner at Legal Tender as sort of a treat to myself for the holidays.   So here's this seatbcover named Brittany there not quite the stunning flower that was there long time ago, but not to shabby in any case.  She kept leaning over to make sure that I couldn't miss her cleavage. On purpose or not the visuals were not appreciated .
Then she was ratchetjawing about being a phoote model. Did my rep preceed me? So sat down ate the Johnny Tight-lipped steak. Was good. Taters and grease were good. Veggies not some much. Ate then ordered my usual cocktail a Lynchburge Lemonade.  One of the easiest simple cocktails out there and yet it seems that every saloon I order it I have to tell them how to do it. Shit did all these not yet dry behind their ears get timid or just not venture beyond Mormon Ville  ? You be the judge. 
Ran into a bit of a tech goofu with our juke box player on ye Ole computer. So doing a sys restore. Means no show overnight. See ya'll menyanna 

Testy ain't they? Spreaker can kiss my fanny.


Testy ain't they?

So there twuzz poking along the slab tab, and after I can't remember how long found that used to, I say used to be the best most uncomplicated webstation carrier in the business. But then profits were down in France where Spreaker was based, they all moved to the States, Iheart got twixed and bought Thus the platform went to the hog troughs and as far as I have heard, to getting any better. Although their studio app is good, the assistance on the other one ain't. Their CS is BS. Can't log in, can't restore the account, no nothing. So signing up with two others. and Hey if it works for Dixie Broadcasting, ought to work well for us. 
As Spreaker is concerned, Hong Kong Phooey, have no use for any company that can't seem to get their post-pandemic butts together. The thing is, we never quit, tooka holiday, or any other off-duty time. For 3 + years we were down due to the crooks out of Utah that bailed on us, and not just us but and Chinese Massage on North Blue Lakes Blvd. Tweaker Flatts, Idaho.
Was down at the old Times Neweze building, but us and hair care places plus two outfits that had people running on a timing chain working there. So in time, we moved to that joint across the main street from The Car Store of Tweaker Flatts, there owned by that Shalomguy. He takes off, nowhere or anyone to pay rent to, so in the end by mutual agreement, I left there. Along with studio gear left behind and no real way to get it out of there. Even though out of my own pocket, I got a storage unit out on Grandview North and needed help, some holier-than-thou guy from the Moron Church there, decided he couldn't help, told him someone needed to put a bullet in his head. He thought me, bitched to some church authorities, which meant and still does, can't get help out of that institution. And it really is an institution being operated by a ton and a half of folks running on stripped timing chains, know what I mean?
All in all, still plowing through the deep manure and snow, but we are on track for the full refire of everything HazzardAyre including AyreWolffm. 
L8R Aviators

Monday, December 4, 2023

did you know?

Did you know  that a McDonald's iced coffee will last 3 days even in the heat?  Bought one 3 days ago and I 'm still nursing it without any degradation in flavor. What the hell do they put into that stuff? Formaldehyde  ? Must do. Be groovy to know  huh? Dern near lasts as long as ice cream from Walmart . 
Great to have at least one of my big Bertha computers  back up and running. Been doing a few mockup test shows. Not completely done yet. But even Kahless didn't finish doing Earth in less than seven days.. 
Last before I hit the rack. 
First no show overnight computer doing upgrades.. 2nd have you ever considered being with a hottie. That sure looks good for at least a few overnight romps, but then think over time, will get just as stinkee and grouchy as a not so hottie? Last night during a sress break was outside when this a not so hot gal walking her mutts and  seemed sweet. So been thinking on that a bit, plus there is this young one down at 
McDonalds that's really quiet, bet your nest test hop, that  she turned loose would be a bar burner. Like to find out. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

vma0214 update

Why don't this ring work any better than this    ? This  ain' t you're old grandpa's web.
Most if not all of what is ain"t what it was. Just because you used to do online is becoming very restricted if not buried under a mountain of horse manure . 
Much of this complexity is due to the fact there's a trailer truck 🚚 of nations and actors that are looking to use the 411 you provide through registering to a website. The other segment of all this complex h.s. is that from under YOUR Intel that wants to capitalize on your contacts. Hey as it was said on a chetos ad, it ain't easy being cheezy 
The bots and A.I. it's a jungle out there that wants to snuff. You out.  So the major players are out there verify every person. 🤔  that wants to. Consume things America.  Or even merchant s . We as an organization are reworking our websites to make our programming great but also secure. And you thought you have a lot on your plate. 
9 uh