So why do these other outfits do it? Simple it's a way for them to do a slide of hand. While your answering the survey questions their tech guru is tapping into the cookie file on your phone and computer. Don't believe me? Take one of those money surveys then see your inbox spam bin fill up. Never fails. If it's a account or a client thats meaty enough theses survey outfits can sell your 411 to black web firms for serious $. Sure ya'll can take away from this that I hate scammers the web was never meant to be a thieves den, but over the years thats exactly what it's become. You get a site to learn something, but then find that you have had all things private of yours strewn out there in cyber land. Or sold to the highest bidder. Kim komondo is one I revere as honest. She expanded on this a while back. Oh you don't subscribe to her newsletter? See our site.