Wednesday, December 6, 2023

less tech naw. we need outfits with people who gets ìt done.

Okay then was on the phone and computer for  near 3 hours yesterday with a kid named Conner at GoDaddy. Unlike the gazillion times before this kid hung in there with me until 90% of my issues were solved. None of this horse dung of having a some csm call me back but this kid, stayed with me and got some higher ups to get the solution up to impulse speed. Not yet warp,  but at least forming a warp field. Connor aiñt the only one, both in store and a overnight tech was on phone with me an hour and a half with me with a tower site problem. Not one peep about a radio online station dedicated to Confederate  history as well as what's happening today with the new southern movement. Of at least the Confederate movement which as it is today is the only thing that will reshape and repair our nation.
WhAt I like are vendors and support firms that hangs in there even thougjh it might be a bitter veggie to swallow. People who will bust a move, instead of blowing it off. 
Hope to git the cyber air Friday night.
Later taters.