Most if not all of what is ain"t what it was. Just because you used to do online is becoming very restricted if not buried under a mountain of horse manure .
Much of this complexity is due to the fact there's a trailer truck 🚚 of nations and actors that are looking to use the 411 you provide through registering to a website. The other segment of all this complex h.s. is that from under YOUR Intel that wants to capitalize on your contacts. Hey as it was said on a chetos ad, it ain't easy being cheezy
The bots and A.I. it's a jungle out there that wants to snuff. You out. So the major players are out there verify every person. 🤔 that wants to. Consume things America. Or even merchant s . We as an organization are reworking our websites to make our programming great but also secure. And you thought you have a lot on your plate.