Sunday, December 10, 2023

But did you really?

I just druel over that opening actress/model Jennifer Garner does,, for Nutragina cosmetics. At the end of the day you removed all your make up, but did you really?? She is one of a very short list of lady celebs that I get wet over. I will go into that later.
What I really did is just flAT started ignoring all things facebook. In fact entered into the class action suit against infant Zuckerburg's company. Might as well get something for all the times I and the WolfPack have been fleeced by fb. I really don't care. I'm much too old and antiestablishment to be on that platform anyway and have no intention to ever return to it. Both Nate and Rick dumped it, two years ago several of the Club dumped facebook, and as far as I'm concerned so have I. So what now ? The WolfPack is engineering a site with webadore called: which will have age screening added to it. If your a young punk at that door , don't bother knocking cuzz you ain't getting in. is for adults. And adults only. For guys who can remember the aroma of hair spray on a lady from that buffont hairdoo. When HeeHaw was manditory Saturday night home Tv viewing, and our view of modern life was the Partridge Family. 
When you realize your nerves and anger diminish when you turn that shit off,``♧ then you understand.
Will there be such a suit with Twitter[]? Not daying no, not saying yes.
You may not be in the frat party that keeps you subdued, that's okay, it's about time that you joined the party of a new dawning.


Friday, December 8, 2023

I hate tech. can we just have simple?


Can we just have simplicity when it comes to technology? Just once when I'm updating certain modules for the radio gigs I prefer Plug and play, or get what I want in tech, to download without a bunch of demons looking when I download a program that needs, only to see a bunch of gunk with it. No can't do that naw, we have to see a bunch of ads and stuff. Why isn't there a simple download to replace a program that somehow I lost in the transition from Tweaker Flatts Idaho here to Evanston Wyoming. I somehow lost my WIN Media Player, so no noise or music. So stumped before I get this stallion radio network is stalled. 

My what could we do with a real tech expert, anyone need a job? 

Like I said, I hate tech. I need a Goody's. And Lynchburg lemonade.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

the feed bag of the feedback

I get these notices several times a day in my inbox. Unlike other radio_media celebs. I read and usually respond to quality feedback. Like wise I look and read over everything thing from you my fan's.  With that said even if I  had something to reward with, insulting you by telling you I will give you something if you tell me how we are doing is just that. An insult and con game
So why do these other outfits do it? Simple it's a way for them to do a slide of hand. While your answering the survey questions their tech guru is tapping into the cookie file on your phone and computer.  Don't believe me?  Take one of those money surveys then see your inbox spam bin fill up. Never fails. If it's a account or a client thats  meaty enough theses survey outfits can sell your 411 to black web firms for serious $.  Sure ya'll can take away from this that I hate scammers the web was never meant to be a thieves den, but over the years thats exactly what it's become. You get a site to learn something, but then find that you have had all things private of yours strewn out there in cyber land. Or sold to the highest bidder. Kim komondo is one I revere as honest. She expanded on this a while back. Oh you don't subscribe to her newsletter?  See our site. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

less tech naw. we need outfits with people who gets Γ¬t done.

Okay then was on the phone and computer for  near 3 hours yesterday with a kid named Conner at GoDaddy. Unlike the gazillion times before this kid hung in there with me until 90% of my issues were solved. None of this horse dung of having a some csm call me back but this kid, stayed with me and got some higher ups to get the solution up to impulse speed. Not yet warp,  but at least forming a warp field. Connor aiΓ±t the only one, both in store and a overnight tech was on phone with me an hour and a half with me with a tower site problem. Not one peep about a radio online station dedicated to Confederate  history as well as what's happening today with the new southern movement. Of at least the Confederate movement which as it is today is the only thing that will reshape and repair our nation.
WhAt I like are vendors and support firms that hangs in there even thougjh it might be a bitter veggie to swallow. People who will bust a move, instead of blowing it off. 
Hope to git the cyber air Friday night.
Later taters. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Did somebody say more Bs than me?

Went to dinner at Legal Tender as sort of a treat to myself for the holidays.   So here's this seatbcover named Brittany there not quite the stunning flower that was there long time ago, but not to shabby in any case.  She kept leaning over to make sure that I couldn't miss her cleavage. On purpose or not the visuals were not appreciated .
Then she was ratchetjawing about being a phoote model. Did my rep preceed me? So sat down ate the Johnny Tight-lipped steak. Was good. Taters and grease were good. Veggies not some much. Ate then ordered my usual cocktail a Lynchburge Lemonade.  One of the easiest simple cocktails out there and yet it seems that every saloon I order it I have to tell them how to do it. Shit did all these not yet dry behind their ears get timid or just not venture beyond Mormon Ville  ? You be the judge. 
Ran into a bit of a tech goofu with our juke box player on ye Ole computer. So doing a sys restore. Means no show overnight. See ya'll menyanna 

Testy ain't they? Spreaker can kiss my fanny.


Testy ain't they?

So there twuzz poking along the slab tab, and after I can't remember how long found that used to, I say used to be the best most uncomplicated webstation carrier in the business. But then profits were down in France where Spreaker was based, they all moved to the States, Iheart got twixed and bought Thus the platform went to the hog troughs and as far as I have heard, to getting any better. Although their studio app is good, the assistance on the other one ain't. Their CS is BS. Can't log in, can't restore the account, no nothing. So signing up with two others. and Hey if it works for Dixie Broadcasting, ought to work well for us. 
As Spreaker is concerned, Hong Kong Phooey, have no use for any company that can't seem to get their post-pandemic butts together. The thing is, we never quit, tooka holiday, or any other off-duty time. For 3 + years we were down due to the crooks out of Utah that bailed on us, and not just us but and Chinese Massage on North Blue Lakes Blvd. Tweaker Flatts, Idaho.
Was down at the old Times Neweze building, but us and hair care places plus two outfits that had people running on a timing chain working there. So in time, we moved to that joint across the main street from The Car Store of Tweaker Flatts, there owned by that Shalomguy. He takes off, nowhere or anyone to pay rent to, so in the end by mutual agreement, I left there. Along with studio gear left behind and no real way to get it out of there. Even though out of my own pocket, I got a storage unit out on Grandview North and needed help, some holier-than-thou guy from the Moron Church there, decided he couldn't help, told him someone needed to put a bullet in his head. He thought me, bitched to some church authorities, which meant and still does, can't get help out of that institution. And it really is an institution being operated by a ton and a half of folks running on stripped timing chains, know what I mean?
All in all, still plowing through the deep manure and snow, but we are on track for the full refire of everything HazzardAyre including AyreWolffm. 
L8R Aviators

Monday, December 4, 2023

did you know?

Did you know  that a McDonald's iced coffee will last 3 days even in the heat?  Bought one 3 days ago and I 'm still nursing it without any degradation in flavor. What the hell do they put into that stuff? Formaldehyde  ? Must do. Be groovy to know  huh? Dern near lasts as long as ice cream from Walmart . 
Great to have at least one of my big Bertha computers  back up and running. Been doing a few mockup test shows. Not completely done yet. But even Kahless didn't finish doing Earth in less than seven days.. 
Last before I hit the rack. 
First no show overnight computer doing upgrades.. 2nd have you ever considered being with a hottie. That sure looks good for at least a few overnight romps, but then think over time, will get just as stinkee and grouchy as a not so hottie? Last night during a sress break was outside when this a not so hot gal walking her mutts and  seemed sweet. So been thinking on that a bit, plus there is this young one down at 
McDonalds that's really quiet, bet your nest test hop, that  she turned loose would be a bar burner. Like to find out. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

vma0214 update

Why don't this ring work any better than this    ? This  ain' t you're old grandpa's web.
Most if not all of what is ain"t what it was. Just because you used to do online is becoming very restricted if not buried under a mountain of horse manure . 
Much of this complexity is due to the fact there's a trailer truck 🚚 of nations and actors that are looking to use the 411 you provide through registering to a website. The other segment of all this complex h.s. is that from under YOUR Intel that wants to capitalize on your contacts. Hey as it was said on a chetos ad, it ain't easy being cheezy 
The bots and A.I. it's a jungle out there that wants to snuff. You out.  So the major players are out there verify every person. πŸ€”  that wants to. Consume things America.  Or even merchant s . We as an organization are reworking our websites to make our programming great but also secure. And you thought you have a lot on your plate. 
9 uh 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

kum and go? reminds me of one of our companies,

They wouldn't even get a Chamber of commerce opening at the Hccoc listing..
I'll dive deeper on this shortly but dig this: there's a trailer truck full of manure that has been flung at myself as well as both the Knytes and WolfPack, lately that it started getting to me.
When I packed up my car that rainy frigid night at the first of September it wasn't entirely to be spiteful. I had been trampled on by way too many detractors in that region of my beloved state of Idaho as well as a lot of peeps there that myself, my family and the Syndicate had aided the vast majority πŸ’” of that valley. In Idaho to the point I was tired of the horse turds. Add to that falling down an unmarked set of dorky stairs that if I'd landed only a few millimeters different I would not be here now. Add to that the aggravation towards a buttwipe in Tweaket Flatts who was a church officer in that city beside the Snake River it just got to where I had to say this lonely Wolf had to get off that train. Then getting kicked in the jaw by that Sandra over there. Carting her all over creation and ignoring my own environment heck never even got a bj out of her.
All she did was give up on me and the Syndicate that it was do or die. So I did do. Sure it's taken a few more weeks than I had planned, sleeping in the General JaXson a few weeks, and as of yet outside of the breef respid at the Prairie Inn here in Evanston, ain'T seen a shower or bathtub. But I'll manage. It's all worth it and all in the mix. Look the mighty HazzardAyre was created here in Evanston, that took 6 years. We are at the doorsteps of a new year, and a new Era for and of us in the Hazzard Syndicate, and we are ready to begin showing our plumage. Love ❤️ ya'll 

it ain't always greener, just got more manure than the rest.

 First off older people have a hard time with newer tech. Never fails, start trying to update shit, only to find the frigging gizmo won't work, so then going back to recover files that IT said were gone yet it's there, but YOU can't access. So then you cuss out the store here ya'll bought it. In this
Case Walmart. Lesson- 2

Don't bother buying sophisticated electronics from Walmart. They just do not have the knowledge, that they should. Reminds me of 4 years ago, both a desktop pooter from the Twin Falls Walmart. Got it to the rafter, unpacked it, and sent the dern thing to Micro-Chips to replace the motherboard. It still is at the Micro-Chips Store there. Thank Kahless for Ean ar Quick Silver Computers. He tweaked 2 computers plus the one I ended up losing, to that dead Jewish prick. Thank Kahless our guys took care of that, problem is, his son is a worse fartknocker than he was. Don't worry he'll get his. I'z just happy that even with the snow and all I'm not in Tweaker Flatts. Some tymez the field across the road is greener, just depends on how much manure you spread on it. As you might have guessed fixed the wireless keyboard. That may be why The WolfPack keeps me in this job.


Still awake but my head still aches let's kick this op into warp speed. remember buckle up.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

d8d you feel it? talk about vibrations, whew.

If you happened to be awake ⏰️ at o2:00 this morning near Evanston Wyoming a level 1 earthquake was felt. The epicenter of the tremor was north by northeast of Randolph Utah that neighbors Evanston along highway 189. No damage was experienced, nor any injuries but if you were awake you did feel it.
What is Direct Deposit and Autopay? Should  a bank  and or a merchant that works the system through Autopay have enough brains to take out funds for a given payment so you or I don't have to worry or fuss with it. Again time to get attorneys involved. Granted it's a small claim thing, but because I have had to inform one at a time ⏲️ every client and vendor we deal with hindered our ability to generate income to our agencies. Everything we do runs off the linkage of my phone. While we are looking into places for a organization hq being hobbled due to some A.I. snafu and a bunch of Neanderthals at MetroPCS here I sit dern near drowning in hunger, no or little fuel at this time of year when tow trucks are in high demand piss's me off no end. Are we suing? Of course, right after the organization gets done with the actions in Twin Falls. Yes it means one helluva pay day down the way but, it kicks us in the butt in the meantime we suffer. Trust me in the olden golden times crap like this allows some gunpowder in the be-hind. 
Last monitoring a sitch near Evanston  here uhp is in pursuit of a baby blue Subaru running at speeds u from 90 mph. All area law enforcement is out with their noses in the air watching for this Subaru.
Stay tuned. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Teach, preach, then practice what thine preaches and teaches.ΔΊ

It really has no big water falling off my back, what grips my britches is so many organized religion's preach the lessons of the good Samaritan.  Service beyond themselves, feeding the hungry, giving the homeless a bed especially during these days of near super freezing weather. It's real easy to preach the message in 2nd Thessalonians that says those who don't work shall not eat. All too many are lazy for sure, but it makes it dern hard to be enthusiastic of finding work, when the night before, you just spent your night freezing while you tried to sleep, or your clothes stink so bad your embarrassed to even go into places asking for a job of. Having to call the local law to plead for money for gas ⛽️ to keep your vehicle running so you can stay warm. Add to that having your head hurt so dern bad from cold and no nourishment.  Organized religion does not care, and it's like pulling teeth to get a bit of financial aid just to remain alive. I got dern lucky that Shawn here of shinning monkey got me in this office for our studio. I'd also like Shannnon or whomever at this puny trailer park to get in touch with me regarding a couple of trailer houses on their lot that can be bought, not just rented. 
When it's you busting testies reestablishing an old radio station. Sure they may not care, but the station could in fact employee a few in their flock. Nope hope is not hope when it's a promise or lesson that is just words spilling out of a bucket mouth without really applying the lessons of that which they are preaching.
Dang right I'm thankful as heck that Shawn let me in here, but it's not a home. It's quarters. I know I need to freshen up attire wize, but would it help that one of 3 representatives of clergy actually taking what an hour at best to drift over here and aid with at least throwing in a recommend to a potential landlord? Would it hurt them any of them to just drop by with  5 dollar bill and say here's some gas ⛽️ money pay me back if you can. Then of course granting a request for a baptism? Then not going through with it. All because of one item, my lip dip. Really? I can point to at least 5 men in the congregation, that partake of this bio nerve medicine. All the while here I and the WolfPack as well as the Knytes through me to ignite a furnace to benefit them and or the community. 
The fingers point at me from all directions barking at me of being everything from a bumb to Lucifer himself, when in fact I just might be one of those The Great White Spirit sent to fix this mess here in Evanston.  If they need proof of my income, just ask. I have a awards letter that says what I make each month. It makes me so frustrated. Then there was the dork at the VFW here. Popped off and I won't say what he said, but, it was over a $60.00 loan to traverse down to Ogden Utah to settle my account with MetroPCS.  Not only was this jerks mouth running over but he had to bark about a bunch of crap to two members of the Knytes. One quit , no real loss but ain't heard diddly from Rick and ain't had gas to go out and pow wow with them.  
If it were not for the real people that make up the community of the Interstate, I'd pack all this up and say Hong knong phoney.  If LexiBelle was able I'd do it. 
Yup preach and teach but don't do that which thy preach is why the Hazzard Syndicate is racking up the resources to establish a open ended Place of worship, based on the Gospel of St. Andrew. 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Heavans to Morgatroid and dog my cat

Fussy ain't it? Having a new Samsung Galaxy  phone is great, except when your trying to use the puny keyboard. If you have Vienna sausage fingers it's hard not to make too many type mistakes or grammatical goof us. πŸ€ͺ.  Yes I do have chubby fingers. So do I do a query thing and grow out my finger nails so I can carve out these newsletters so that you our members all 28 million of us and the 150 joint task force.  Wyoming is not that bad but her cold Ι“deep freeze temperatures  sure makes igniting the Turbines on the Lady a 3 hour task. Not to. mention but I will anyflyte. 
The General JaXson.  
For you that don't know General JaXson  is my tiny Saturn. The name of the sweet ❤️  is of course to honor the Confederate General.  Also to honor that which saved the club from disaster in 2007 when a snow storm dern near buried me in Glenn's Ferry Idaho. To which no other TV network could be received. All that was on Fx and of course SOA. Of which the honorable Jax Teller. So combined is JaXson
 Nuff said there.
In essence the Heavenly powers that be stopped us in under snow drifts up to 12 feet high. Thanks to those that fly and ride.
But can't Samsung make a Galaxy phone that you can enlarge the blooming keyboard?
The World may never know.. 

you never get what you pay for, but there are times you get what you need.

Paraphrasing and old rock tune that went .you never get what you want, but some times you get what you need.
In this case after arguing in Philippen with METRO Pcs I flat dumped them. Number has been unplugged, and over a mere $40.00 . To have been able to fix the mess, I would have had to drive the 100 miles to Ogden Utah to a Metro store. All in all would have had to spend $100.00 . Not for shyt.not For I go. 
There needs to be a very serious geography lesson to not only big business? But politicians that there is a heap amount of real E state , between NYC  and LA. Forget about Frisco and or Portland Oregon or Seattle.  Seems that for every Droid we vanquish, there's another soul and mind that needs adjustment.
Every time I see a post on Facebook about someone reclusive in a cabin free of the stresses of modern life. As if you took 5 of those posters out to live in an area of secluded Idaho or Wyoming without their smartphone, they would bitch all the way home. But I'm getting off topic here.  When corporate America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ they forget to look in on us Confederates 😒 as in the Mountain West Confederacy.  Which makes up 80% of the Knytes and WolfPack. No we are not such an organization that unsheives our swords at the drop of a nail, but fary around with our heritage and all that makes that up. As if you do you will find yourself in quite a pickle.  It's not just race, slavery, or defending our flag and the brave people who fought as great a fight as could  be fought πŸ‘.  Under conditions that people of today, never will understand.
Again drifting off vector
If these call centers would get out a map, or search on Google maps they would understand that Evanston is 90 miles from or to Ogden Utah . 
Question why can't corporate America treat us Moutain West Hillbillies the same as they treat those in big ass'd city?
We want to welcome a cat named Roger to the WolfPack although wished he'd have  stopped by today.  Yee old General JaXson is empty and so am I.
Me needs A 5th of Jack Daniel's, can of Skoal, and go juice. Of which I'll pay him back come Friday.
Next, this month and next month is. going to be tight. First fetching radio gear now that we have a studio here. Jpay bills, a d then stick our nose up the Emecerry's butt. The Emcerry is recruiting human eye 🍬 🍬 candy. With this much investment as we are putting into this ain't going to amount to a bucket of spit. If there are no listener's why a radio station if no one tunes In 
Due to lack of knowledge that we as there. So snag a few Chiquita, s Get a photographer then hit every dern TV station in the region  advertise ou gig ti any one willing to bend an ear. The female eye πŸ‘ candy gets em there a well done voice over tells the tale .
I haven't ate and new phone is getting heavy eyes πŸ‘€  . 


What ever you do tomorrow you'll have to sleep.with tonight.

Let's make this fully clear. I'm not a IT geek tech guru. Everything is headed to A.I. and thay ain't shit you can do about it.  So you might as well forget about it.  As Clint once said  a man has got to know his limitations.  No matter age or gender or status on the ladder. The genius 's belong to a huge club, and you aiΓ±t in it. Nor will you be invited to join it. Your IP ADDRESS might change, your home 20 might change, but you still are you. To any blooming contraption that gathers Data, personal and other, that data is sold on the dark market to the highest bidder. Oh you might find the hide behind the keyboard Rambos & Ramboettes out there that are cruel  spiteful-, and plain jerkweeds? seven if you track em down, what then? If it's a Jhuvie punk, and you rearrange their little bodies, it's you that will spend time looking out, not looking in. If it's an adult male of some mighty persona  you're going to get your ass beat and you can't πŸ˜‰ really can't empty you can of whoopass 
Whoopass applied right can be on helluva attention getter but over minor 8t shit it ain't worth a citation and a 30 day stay in the County lock up.
At my age all this crap is just that , crap and the toilet needs to  be flushed 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

I just hate new technology. πŸ˜’

I just hate new technology πŸ˜’  don't  matter what device it is, seams like I spend 20% getting things done, and the 70% of my waking hours updating software.  When what was, was just πŸ™‚ fine. What the heck was wrong with the old stuff? Was it defective  did it come apart at high speed? Or like my boots πŸ‘’ when they said waterproof but my Sox still gets wet? Claims on a lot of things are that way these days. The problem is that every product that comes out of some big ass'd company that has a big label on it was rushed to market, too fast. Only to have it the need for a field fix. Then even the fix needing fixing. Why? Our nation, has became way too lazy and/or greedy. I'm proud as heck we as AyreWolveZ haven't became that way..  Just like when we decided to start doing our website. It took us at lea
st 5 years to get what we wanted. We still fall short of the goal line but at least we are still in the game. Heck it took me at least 6 of those 5 years to come to grip of getting a smartphone. On some level I have known that I as well as the WolfPack  to do a tech upgrade and update.  Yet slow but sure we are creeping up Hamburger Hill. πŸ”  the thing is that for every stride forward, we seam to slip back more steps . Why can't tech and other such outfits, just keep what they have and enhance that ? Just like when WIN 10 came on the market. I flat didn't like it as WIN 10 did not have the enhancements and apps, that WIN 7 had. Nope, sound recorder not there. Instead I  had to go find a black market version of what I had in the first place. This wasn't as bad on face value, but the constant updates that took 2 days to do on all our systems, so NO radio, no nothing. . Still want to go to city by the bay, with a good solid oak 4x8 in my hand and do a lot of Confederate attitude adjustments in essence un cork a serious amount of pouring out generous whoopass.
That'd make their bottom side a tremendous amount of good. Oh sure, one could say well that's progress, thing is when it gets to a point of fixing things that should not need to get fixed. Then came Google. Don't know who passed off who, but all off a sudden my Windows Livewriter was not working any more. I liked LiveWriter since LiveWriter, allowed me to install cute images right where I wanted not where Blogger or whomever thought it should go.
Such is life. For those reading this and to who it needs be, the radio snag is off air until after the holidays. By then hopefully we' be up full full throttle so stay tuned
And as always thanks for flying with Ayrewolf.

As it was once said on a women's hair care product does she or doesn't she only her hair dresser knows for sure.

No this angry 😀 sitch hasn't crept in yet here, it is 3% of the reason the HQ of Ayrewolf Aviation moved from Twin Falls here to Evanston.  Many of the hopefuls that applied at our media ops for work as a on air radio person were all agast when I approached a few to get cool with the infamous tow smooch. All that is,is a metaphor to the fact we love to go out on the highway and aid or fetch disabled vehicles. While true it's a bit kinky the tow smooch is no more than a comedian getting a pie in the face during a comedy show skit. Yet that seems a bit out there in the sinister ballpark for many. What is it? Do women hate their feet or is it just that they  don't  want their lower hind paws being fussed with by any other guy, albeit innocent.  Is that it. Tryst me ladies, the aroma of your feet is not always the sweetest thing on the planet. As some I have huffed are worse than huffing a dairy cows hind end. If your into farming you know what I'm talking about. Pulling a stubborn calf out of a lactating bovine ushers in all kinds of smells. I'm getting off subject. So it's really no big deal, why all the disdaine over a guy kneeling down and taking one for the team?
I know that the way women dress when they dress or should I say skirt to work is any indication as it' not so always , but dern it all to haddeese if your going to advertise then make the product to where it's available.  0h yes , today marks the date of conception of AyreWolf/HazzardAyre Aviation. It was in a flop house in the middle of Morgan Utah, cold as haydeese. When several of my aviation pals from three (3) Marine/Navy squadrons  meeting in a closed session that a subsidiary of the Hazzard Knytes for military aviation enthusiasts be established.
Enter in the Lady and all things AirWolf.  Or as we say it AyreWolf. The AyreWolveZ Aviation Association formed. All things AyreWolf has grown as fast if not faster than things Hazzard County.  There are currently 300,000 members of the Ayrewolvez that we simply called the WolfPack. With none of us looking back. Then there came the phenomenon of pinup girls and art for our restored mega million dollar aircraft. So I was drafted back into the scene of hiring split  tail  for doing the task of posing with women of all kinds for military aircraft body art. 😳 in all cases nylons we and are required.  After all don't want body oils getting into aircraft paint. So bringing this in to close, what is wrong with consensual 🫦 flirting at the office ?