Saturday, October 31, 2015

No matter what it is, I ask, Are We the only ones doing it right? Or did I miss something?

sO it was a few ago, I went to turn on the news from KTVB in Boise. But guess what? Their live streamer wasn't streaming. So in frustration went to look at KPVI's stream, guess they ain't doing that no more, THEY want YOU to watch the thing on TV, trouble is when your 200 miles to 300 miles away respectivly how you gonna get the real thing of that areas TV? So bagged that, seems as though not only has Wyoming lost its gumption, so too some places in Idaho has too. Question becomes, Is us in the Wolf-Pack the only ones doing things right? Are we somehow more gifted ? Or is it that we are just Marine Corps Aviators deep in heart that makes us the perfectionists we are? Some have asked about that, why we in The Wolf-Pack are Knytes as well. Simple answer , the Wolf Pack in part created the Knytes, and is why you the public sees golden wings on just about every thing we do, be it a Blog or other graphic, logo or what ever the fact that both the Knytes and the Wolf-Pack also have commercial pilot licenses, and we flew and some still fly in and for the UCSMC and Navy Aviation units, mainly the VMA214. The simple description of the AyreWolvez has always been, we are bikers that fly, and that's pretty much it. That being that, we are perfectionists, although my latest attempts at painting my truck and the General JaXson, turned out shitty still as soon as I can, doing a redoux on both here in a few. Found a S10 with the body and other parts I need to do a full restoration, as far as the General, as soon as LiL Wolf is done, General JaXson goes in under the knife and spray gun. 
But that all being that, one needs to ask the question, why is it that all these firms we deal with, both TV and even service shop that are not under the thumbs of the Wolf-Pack, charge so much, have staff that you druel over when they walk by, charge you up the anal canal, yet do such a poopy job in quality, followthrough and just do it right? KPVI might have the right idea, since they couldn't do the stream steam right, they gave it up. So did KMVT out of Twin Falls Idaho. 
See ya'll on air Sunday afternoon.
L8R Aviators

Renegade Report 1

Yesterday was a shitter with a BIG shit. All started well, but I decided to attempt to hit the trail to go fetch LexiBelle, Got to the 84/80 split, and coming out of the corner gave old General JaXson some kick, and poof, blew a heater hose. As I limped to Morgan, Utah with the temp guage inching higher I slid into Young's Dodge there at Morgan, Utah. And come Monday good old General JaXson will be home all repaired. Will attempt LexiBelle rescue next month. But the repair sucked $500.00 out of my butt, so all but $50.00 is gone. So going have to lean on my partner at the shop for shop rent and my house rent of $180.00. Not much going to get done for a few weeks any way. So with a rental a 2015 Dodge Journey something nice to get around in, but I wouldn't buy one. It sucks, too much tech, hardly a key more like a push button to start the damn thing, controls not place in the right place, and a bit higher to entry naw give me a good old fashion Chevy, or if a Dodge, a pre 2000 model. Something you don't need a degree in computer technology to repair.
So that's why I was not on air, nor writing last night. I came home diddled at the shop, went and grabbed a meal at McDonalds, Really? If I have ever said it once I'll say it again, can the Evanston McDonalds, be any worse? If so why does the owner or manager there keep hiring these idiots, to work graves? I mean food isn't hot or even warm, the fries are old and grungy, and the sense of humor, is not there. You can't visit with one of those people on any level, even prehistoric, the intercom needs work you can barely understand any body, with so called modern tech as it is you'd think that fast food would adopt something like a small keyboard or at least a intercom system that one could understand, with better sound quality. It's not just McDonalds, the slightly over minimum wage youngster at our Kentucky Fried Chicken/Taco Bell, isn't that much better. Ordered a patato bowl, got at first a salad bowl, come on people. GET IT TOGETHER!! This is the dawning of the 21st Century. Not the dawning of the 19th Century. 
See ya'll on the air Sunday Afternoon, taking the rest of the day off of everything, going to the shop, then coming here to the Wolf's Den, bath, TV food, Bed. Pretty much in that order.

Friday, October 30, 2015

With the Knytes or the Wolf Pack , Trust is everything!!

With the Knytes or the Wolf Pack, trust and honesty is everything. I took aim at this a few entries here on that, but I'm going to repeat it. When it comes to our organization, Trust and honesty mean everything. It's been engrained in our minds and souls since we were in diapers, additionally many of us albeit aviators, but as Marines we learned rapidly not only in basic and OTS Officer Training School, amongst others , if you can't count on your wing person or your unit, your dead. No if's and's or butt's. The basic mindset of the club is not entirely based on SOA. It's more along the lines of both DOH(Dukes-of-Hazzard) and albeit fictional in scope, but a Star Trek, alliance , called the Klingons, where honor and integrity mean everything even to death . This is why, anything we do, we do honestly and all or we flat don't do it. Now this don't mean we don't occassionally bend a few corners or the rules, but we always get the job done with our heads held high and pride in what we accomplish. 
This is why it bugs the dog turd out of me, when we do such things as this model stuff, when talent even questions our methods. We are a renegade, fight the system organization, but if we tell you something or I report it here, you can take it straight to the bank and deposit it. 
More on this Friday on the show, but if a gal applies for a model or feature talent opening with us, that can launch or at least enhance her talent show biz career, don't question everything we or I do. Just do as requested. Now granted it might be a big extension of duties, to help locate new studio/office locations, or recruit other gals they might know, and it is somewhat personal, when asked to befriend us on their Facebook page. That said, I'm not asking you to do our bidding we'll do that ourselves, just sometimes if your doing your daily routine you see a location, point us in that direction, likewise, if you know or meet someone that you think might be an assette to our projects, just give em our phone number, we'll take it from there. 
Any mile much to do today, so gotta hit the rack. See ya'll on the radio this evening.


While I'm as tired as I can be, did have a great day. Things are headed into at least taxi mode on the tarmac of life, just now waiting for tower okay to lift off.
Got a new squawk box in the General JaXson, which will help with communication for the winter time activity here going towing, so I'm happy there. We have a vendor that has as its command a squid, so not bad.
Okay then; got an email from our primary talent out of Salt Lake City. She for some odd reason wanted to meet the rest of some of ya'll in the Wolf Pack, which for many reasons I'd like her to, since we could have one helluva party. Problem though, making that request is a bit difficult, considering most of the Wolf Pack is still currently deployed on the deserts of the desert that borders the med, so making a phone call much less booking leave time on that front is a bit tricky, if not impossible. Then she wanted to meet many of the MC, which again is fine, provided I can get enough of you to freezing Evanston, likewise I realize most of ya'll have JOBS of your own. Many doing the heavy haul going high gear trailer trucking, so that is touchy. Maybe after she's a bit more blended in. Then she wanted to meet the photo smith, here. Again , but having one or all of them haul up here from Nashville or Atlanta is a if we rather if I can, get em here, fine. There needs to be more on board than just a meet and greet. Which is why I pushed for a rehearsal and try out run, here in the studio. We'll see.
Now to a personal side. One of our own that is my other half at the shop, is having some domestic issues. To the point of disbandoning. The one he feels is not for him, which I can't understand, I don't see anything wrong with her, but women are like used trucks, you really don't know what its like until you have to drive and maintain it, more over you really don't know if it leaks , until you see the puddle under . One of the hardest things to watch is a guy in pain over a woman. Sure he hides it real good, but you can see his insides wringing out pain, dissappointment and more. You want to help, but you don't know how or if you should, but I and the club stand ready should he ask. 
A few more things, here as my body and eyes are about to close without guidence. I see daily good looking women, at least I think so, who sign up to be added to my Google + pages. Question is who are they really? and are they for real, and why the hell me? If its a honey looking to hook up either professionally in one of our productions, or on a personal level, call me, better yet come to Evanston, and lets get together. Or don't bother me. Sure I'd like to get my wick wet and get tight with a foxy vixen in denim , or stockings, but I've been hurt way too much, too deeply, that I've pretty much turned that side of me off. I have had to face the fact, for all the good and bad Monkee(Janice) was the best thing that ever happened to me, and due to a albeit accidental indescresion I lost her. You get one maybe two good women in your life, given to you by Heavenly Father,(God), mess it up and there are no more. Just some very close near miss's. You only get one shot at domestic bliss, once you burn that crossing, you're done.
Any mile need to get to bed, see you on the radio this afternoon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dixie's Land

Airswe - Sweet Britches (Airwolf theme)


Radio Memories -1320 KCPX Salt Lake City, UT June 26,1976

If its such a great idea, how come nobody else is doing it?

I can remember in the mid 1970's when I'd deliver product to Boise, how I'd look at the flats just east of Mountain Home Idaho. I thought would this be a great place to put a truck stop? Half way between Bliss and Boise. So brought the idea to Mom who was always ready to plant seeds of economic revival. Mom said go snoop it out, and we'll see. So I went up there and did some sniffing around, both Mom and dad as well as the real estate guy I met with said the same thing why here? If it's so great an idea how come no one else is doing it or has done it? At the time, Dad was in talks with another group working to build another truck stop near Boise, that you all call the Boise Stage Stop, that was created out of a small stop and go place. Guess my idea there wasn't such a bad idea. But the one in Mountain Home was a we'll see. A few years later my Dad along with the Pugmires of Hazzard and a few others brought forth the GearJammer, now a Pilot Travel Center. Now that entire hill is filled with business's. When at the time I saw it had one service station and a youth mental health behavorial center. When the GearJammer burned we lost an untold amount of money, some say it was due to a former associate that wanted the insurance money , but leaving the rest of the investors sailing with a empty pocket. 
Some of those creative skills I gained watching my parents and is what brought me to Evanston Wyoming, or at least one of those things. I saw a need for a media firm here. Not just radio , but Television as well. When TV went digital, it left only satellite and AllWest as the paths to watch TV. Why? And why doesn't AllWest put up at least one Wyoming TV station on their system, like WindJammer Cable did before AllWest bought em out? Are we Wyoming? Or are we Utah? There is a very quiet movement to make Evanston, part of or allow Evanston to be annexed by Utah. But I'm getting off topic. I saw a albeit limited, but a promise here. Not only media but my own prosperity , through Hazzard County Choppers/AyreWolf Aviation. More over both of the organizations my company supports, see promise here, with establishing Charters here. Both The Knytes-of-Dixie as well as the AyreWolvez. As I watched the Republican debate tonight I heard a lot of things. Mostly election barking with little substance. What I took away from this is, Social Security payments are going to shrink, I'll bet by at least $100.00 to $150.00 a month. I see Federal housing support, EBT Food Stamps, Medicaid being reduced. Its time to create jobs. It's time to carve out of this desert and the rocks of Western Wyoming, some sort of some thing to generate and support new jobs. My Mom used to tell me when I was small, the best way to get on your feet is to get off your butt. As usual its going to be the Knytes as well as the Wolf-Pack helping that to happen, but its why I was so damn mad at the barrage of local Law Enforcement descending on us at the shop a few weeks ago, over some swindler not paying for having their ride in my shop , that I did not authorize. All over the lack of no business license and so on. You don't step on the foot of the person teaching you how to dance, more over providing the band you dance to. But there they were. Yes it was something we just had not gotten to. Not because we were interested in circumventing the law, but we just had not gotten there. 
That aside, Evanston sits 90 miles east of salt Lake City, and 50 miles northeast of famed Park City Utah. The media and thesbian activity of that area, begs the need of having outlets that are on the way of creativity, and technology that's kind to both film, and media. One of our City Council members wants Evanston wants Evanston to be like Park City Utah. Problem is he's one that steps on the toes of those working to create media firms and paths for beginning actors, actress's to get a foot in the door. If not over the air, over the Internet via streaming, but its a place to start.
One of if not my best friends here in Evanston built his business focusing his efforts on servicing and repair of big rig trucks. Reason, he's really the only one between Rock Springs and Salt Lake City that does do that work. Its kind of a swap in reality. Nate was into sport bikes(motorcycles) and snow mobiles I was the one into trucks and farm equipment. That said, after hearing from many of our MC saying its a pain in the ass that there is no place to get a road bike repaired between Salt Lake City and Rock Springs. Be it Harley, Norton, Indian, or Triumph, so the MC came to me sat down and said since no one else is doing it, might as well be us, so over the last 5 months we've been building this half of Hazzard County Choppers here in Evanston. Along with of course HazzardAyre Radio/TV . When it comes to mobile road service and towing. Last January, when I was truly on the edge of bagging Evanston as a location, LiL Wolf
 suffered a freeze over. I called every other tow service in town. No body did freeze ups, or unfreezing trucks, or mobile service. Then I heard of a lady not being able to get a tire changed on the weekend, no tow service did tire changes, or battery jumps or lock outs. That's when I said, why not us. Originally opened under the banner of Highway Hooker Toewing, the Wolf Pack got together and said lets redo this. So we renamed as RodeWolf Toewing.  If its such a great idea, why isn't somebody else doing it? Because there are things, that many are spooked to try and do. Then it comes to gathering ladies together for photo shoots and video productions. All too many think its only a path for me to get my wick wet. The real reason the Salt Lake City metro area agencies, like all too many in this Union, forgets there's a union between NYC and Hollywood. Additionally, the Salt Lake City metro area so called talent agencies that hardly can get their talent work are too stuck up. If there is any kind of interaction between the client and the talent, or its too low budget they're not interested. So the view of the Knytes, build a sort of radical, rebel agency. The way you do that is use your own company or combined companies as the focus of ads. Recruit, train, and pay talent to work. Then you have examples of what YOUR talent can do. It's not a why Evanston, its a why the hell not Evanston? Now that way we are doing it, watch and see if others don't follow. Just because we haven't aired a TV ad, or ran a TV campaign in 15 years is due to lack of lady eye candy to enhance bikes, rods, customs, and yes even military aircraft. Think pin up posters. Like I told a local community college director here, just because there's no fish in the pond to fish from, does not mean one can't plant fish in that pond. Of course there's radio. I love radio. Have been in love with broadcasting since my introduction to it at age 7.  Back then there was schools that taught basic broadcast skills. Where a applicant of or to being an on air talent , back then we called ourselves Disc Jockies, today, its just on air personalities, as nobody plays records any more or at least very few., So why not start a course to teach budding radio people at least basic radio skills? The list goes on, but you start somewhere. Just because nobody else does it doesn't mean you shouldn't. 
HazzardAyre/RodeWolfFM radio in the morning at 6:00AM which ya'll can hear online at 


Great things happen in November and do you remember the last election season?

It goes to prove that HazzardAyre Radio and us at RodeWolfFM will take on things that few if any other regionally produced radio or TV program will. Example, Lori Pritchard of KSL News AM puts up a thing on Facebook, I suggested she do up a segment on do modern women still wear nylons? Of course the suggestion and comment got taken down. Only the LDS chosen can leave comments there and be replied to. The frenemy relationship between KSL and us at HazzardAyre goes all the way back to when we took over the RoadGang show from them back in 1993. Since then KSL hates us to a point, but they keep us close because even though Bonneville Media doesn't feel we are a threat, they know we are a pest, and they LOVE keeping their eyes on us and their ears peeled. 
But it gets down to this, no matter how wyld, extreme, or off sides a topic or subject is, HazzardAyre is not beyond covering it or exploring something just because its too spicy, to racy, or whatever, as HazzardAyre doesn't just look at the obvious, we look at the human condition, and what's going on IN REAL life, and as such, such topics as hose on legs, or does women ever have skid stains on the g-strings or is it really a bad thing for a guy to walk in the head if she's on the can doing poo? Or does this depend on how long a couple has been married as to whether the door to the domestic head(bathroom) is left open or closed?
This brings me to 2008, do you remember That it was during the last election season in 2008 when the roots to what is now HazzardAyre Radio/TV was being formed at Pocatello Public TV(Vision-12) . Back then I strolled in for nearly 4 hours a week, and did up the most outragious public access TV , Vision-12 had ever aired. Because of what we did then that Vision 12 and our shows BlackSheep TV AyreWolf TV and Hazzard County TV along with Dixie Diesel TV had the ratings surveyors taking ratings of a Cable access channel. Because of that local people and a few biggies did shows there. 4 years after in Buhl Idaho the seeds for HazzardAyre were planted and has germinated to current levels making HazzardAyre on of if not the biggest online media offerings online and in limited areas over the air. 
Speaking of which, do any of you in the club, remember, that it was October 31st 1981 when the seeds that would become the Hazzard County Knytes(Knights) were planted, at the Polish Palace(Now the Snake River Grill) in Hagerman(Hazzard) Idaho? Granted it would take another year to September of 1982 for it all to come together, but 10-31-81 was when the Hazzard County Knytes(now the Knytes-of-Dixie) was conceived ? 
I have to say, I am proud as I can be to have been part of the ride for these many years. What we started with a mere 15 people from both Hazzard, Buhl,Gooding, Shoshone and Jerome Idaho, has became nearly 51,000 members nation wide and all the way now into Canada. Yes the Knytes now has a charter in Canada. The power of the Knytes and magic of all that is, not was , but is Hazzard County is going and growing wider than anything Jimmy, Ron, Alan, Duane and Karl and myself could have imagined. All the Knytes was when we put it together was to be a business generator for the then Hazzard County Garage(now Hazzard County Choppers) . Which it has been, We as a club have done the impossible, and continue to not only write the book on what a custom ride group should be, but continues to write yet another book. I took a look the other day at the club's books, do ya'll realize the club, up to just this last August had reeled in just under by a few cents, $30,million in our treasury? Yes sir, granted that's now spread over 50 states and the new Canada charter, but still that's pretty cool. Not bad when you consider that the club was formed in Hazzard of then if it was lucky had 800 people in it. 
More L8R

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Another day in the can

One more day done in the land of frozen. I can't believe and its sureness is still somewhat in question as , I seldom have gotten a talent from the web that really did what I expected. I always use this 
 as the point of level of dedication and most importantly return to home base of a talent from a pre interview. If talking and all about this
 doesn't scare a talent then it's a most likely a decided fact that she's going to be a keeper. If I don't get a response from a talent or a call saying , " I got to thinking about it but decided not to, sorry" Then I know that at least had a nice visit, and again figure the only way this get's done is with a trip to southern California, Let's all pray that , this is not the case here.  Of course doing shots like this 
 or this 
 and especially this
 then again we have a keeper. Have only worked with two in 25 years that came in off the street from a ad and had the guts and attitude that would do those kinds of shots. It's all for publicity of the radio gig, the shop, RodeWolf Toewing and as many of you know, doing photos of feet especially toes in nylons has became an extended hobby of mine because the words TOE and TOW sound alike, nearly spelled alike, yet mean two different things, but considering I'm not the only one that has went out on the toew gig. I remember a publication that came out in about 1987 called PhooteNotes, spelling foot as phoote. Which in 2009 was bought and transformed into T.R. (Towing& Recovery) FootNotes. Which in case you haven't figured out the Rode Knytes have purchased and is developing it all back into PhooteNotes. So I still at every possible time, am examining the toes in nylons or hose, to see if the toes and all of the chosen talent can be used as article headers and used for article feed headers. It's all visuals. On a side note, and it depends on how many gals we can recruit for enhancement models, is a project to follow up on one of our old video projects, will be producing a video , calendar and giveaways called Hot Harley's and Hookers. Hooker being tow oops sorry toew trucks. Not just show trucks but all configurations and conditions. Yes the best looking classic toew trucks, and bikes, enhanced by super hot gals in their jeans and shorts, but no or few heels, just their stocking feet and toes . I'm looking forward to that. Now to bring this in for a landing. I had every thought of going down to the shop at 10:00PM but, after food, sugar level went goofy, so I aimed towards sleep and watched this hyped TV show on CH-4 but got bored, so hit the net to finish some pre production work. So yes today was a great day, now lets see if our new talent find shows up and blows my mind.
TTYLY that's Talk To You Later Ya'll 

The afternoon delite meeting with the new talent

So had the meet and greet at Sud's Brothers. And I must say, I'm very impressed and thing we have found the honey we need, at least the lead for what we've been looking for , for a long time and for those asking the ultimate question did I smooch toes in hose? Answer, no. Atmosphere was not right. Hubby was there, in public and only at the shop, just wasn't kosher to attempt that, but she was dressed for it, perhaps at her prep session this weekend. But I'm pretty sure she's dedicated so its off to the highway getting it done. There was another that said she was in, named Rashelle, but she never showed. Guess taking a day from her $10.00 an hour job, to come where the interview is for a $30.00 on radio, $200.00 per hour beginning on video modeling was not enough of a draw. Guess she'll be serving bread sticks for quite some time, but to be fair I'll hold a spot open for about a week, after that its we go with who we have. Granted the gig doesn't really kick into high gear until early March weather permitting, but there's a bunch of prep work, and rehearsing and so on , long before the vid crew from Nashville shows up to do the shoots. 
The waiting at Suds Brothers was to accomodate Rashelle, as if I knew she wasn't interested or able or what ever I could have gulped down the ice tea, headed to the shop and then here at the studio where its WARM, and got some work done.
But we are now on course. Haven't came up with a stage name for her yet, but I'm working on it. 
Okay then , plan to be on air in the morning at 06:00 going to finish up some show prep, catch some sleepo and TV, and head to the shop , pretty much in order.

Oops again, No HazzardAyre on tonight

Well once again, more to do than time allowed. Due to production delays, due to narrow cable stream, Thanks AllWEst, any mile did not get all I had to do to get ready for the show , and as I said before, in an earlier post, if I can't do it right I just wont do it. So no HazzardAyre Radio overnight.
Now on to a point I made earlier, in our RodeWolf Toew Notes,
Quite a few years ago during the utmost era of popularity of The Dukes-of-Hazzard, our partial foundation of our organization and of course then operating as the Hazzard County Garage in the real town of Hagerman Idaho that now hails as Hazzard Idaho, there was the need to make a TV ad, to air on the original network run of the Dukes. Now there are several things one does when airing an ad on the Dukes, to stay in context. One if your going to have a gal on that ad, She better have the Daisy look that includes hot legs, dainty feet and very small toes. Second those legs as in tradition since the network censors mandated it, she better be in nylons. So with those requirements we set off to producing the first TV ad, for the Original off TV version of the Hazzard County Garage, and second for the then Hazzard County Knytes(Knights) . So coming up with ideas, I was watching TV one night, there on was a plumbing contractor in Boise, who rode a hot van, dressed in a then popular Tux T-shirt, who at the end of the ad, kissed the customers hand, with the ad tag, We treat all our customers like royalty. This started the gearz in my head turning. Now I got kid tending chores, and in doing so, was watching the Disney movie Cinderella . Of course we all know that the handsome prince fit Cinderellas foot in the glass slipper. Now to Hazzard-ize this, I thought what if a kountry honey in her pickup broke down, good ole Cooter(me) came to the rescue, in my dear truck LexiBelle, and at the end of the ad as the sweet kountry darling sat on the side of LexiBelle sipping a brew, and all after I unhooked the truck, I kissed the kountry darling's toes, with the ad tag that goes, we at the Hazzard County Garage Luv's Toews scrunching the words TOW and TOE together making TOEW. And that's the origins of me smooching toes in nylons, a tradition that has pretty much become our trademark and tradition from the start. From the Hazzard County Garage , all the way to now with RodeWolf Toewing as part of Hazzard County Choppers, that kiss on the toes is us. This is why at all auditions, and pre production interviews is why I'm looking at feet and toes and yes at many of those interviews I do the deed of kissing toes in nylons just to see if its possible on camera. Some time I'll tell you why hours of prep time is required, the least of which, do her feet smell so bad that I can't stand it, or can I? After all that 2-1/2 tag scene takes roughly 10 to 20 minutes to do, with all the variables involved, from weather to how sensitive her feet especially her toes are, as hey ya gotta breathe, which as I found out once doing the same project, toes are ticklish, when one breathes over the top of them. Meaning can she keep from giggling, long enough to say her lines? Plus camera people love to take the same scene from many angles and ways, if one moves too much or she giggles and can't stand still, or sit still , the whole process has to start over, that means production and cost over runs. 
That's why I always ask for original interviews etc of talent to show up in or have nylons on, as well as a skirt. That's the thing on toes in hose(nylons).
to conclude, no HazzardAyre Radio on overnight, however we'll be on Tuesday into Wednesday and with any luck we'll have studio visitors . Tune in at 

Monday, October 26, 2015

An Oasis or is it just another Mirage?

Dinner for this old Wolf can take several different courses, most of the time its hit Suds Brothers, order the same barbque pork sandwich and buffalo chip fries and an ice tea. In route to dinner of course I stop by our shop 
 chat with Rick then boogey to Suds Brothers. Tonight I was at the shop, chatting with Rick, when an applicant for the Miss AyreWolf/HCC project calls me on the phone. Couldn't hear her very good, so went outside for a smoke, and proceeded on the phone call. Now for historical sake and too much mine and the clubs dissappointments of the past of talent saying their all in, but only kicking tires and that is if they even show up for a pre production interview, is its all phone chat, and little of really showing. I usually go about 15 or so minutes early to be there well brewed before hand, and usually I get the thing of, thought about it , didn't want to do it, or talked to my boyfriend, he didn't like me hanging with bikers or a combination. So I pay my drink tab and go back to the shop. Of course there were those hours in Woods Cross Utah at the formal studios of HazzardAyre Radio. There would be calls a plenty for beginner as well as seasoned hot bods to come in to do co-host and side anchor on air gigs. They'd call, say they're coming into studio, and I'd wait hours upon hours for them to show up. Yet, even in downtown Woods Cross, no shows. I suppose there's something to the condition of the situation, that I'm not a super hunk waiting there, likewise I'm more of a renegade biker type look, which for me works. Not that I'm fugdugly, hell I've seen worse looking guys , all hitched up to some serious looking hotties before, but we're not talking of hooking up on a personal basis, we're talking about image enhancement for and of both the Knytes 
 as well as HazzardAyre Radio
 but sadly to date and 4 years later, here we sit with an empty chair and a website that needs a focus pin up girl to make the look. Granted our requirements might be a bit up there, after all we are picky, its one thing to have a gal to do this
 or this
 but Heaven forbid we need to have a talent able and ambitious to do this
 more on what that shot is all about in a later post. So will our applicant show up this afternoon, in her skirt and stockings and heels? Or will she be a no show?
More tonight on this on the radio, starting at 01:30 (1:30AM) on HazzardAyre/RodeWolf FM, Until then ride safe.

Old Southern saying, " Do it right or don't do it at all "

There's an old Hazzard County saying that goes, do it right, or don't do it at all. My Mama Wolf also said it a bit sterner, Its one thing to let people think your stupid that open your mouth and remove all doubt. The thing is even our beloved Idaho has these problems. Example, KTVB posts a message news conference regarding BSU's win over the Wyoming Cowboys(hey BSU won) So went to view, Know what , nothing there. Guess the news conference was over, but then the notice or posting should ought to be taken down. Of course here in grand old Evanston, the competing station puts up a thing on air they build web sites for local business' . So I went in last Thursday, as of yet no return phone call. I also noticed they're not advertising that much if at all anymore. Did I call their bluff? Or didn't they do that in the first place. Guess SAMCRO MC money is not as green as local other money. Might have to have a Bishop's recommend to get any attention there. 
The one thing I can say is this, from both of our entities here, Integrity and honesty prevails over just tenacity, and being a dang blow hard. 
If I tell you here, that the club, the radio werx, Hazzard County Choppers, AyreWolf Aviation or RodeWolf Toewing is doing something, you can bet your next tank of aviation fuel that we're doing it. More over if we put out a notice, be it a job or career opening, or a talent search opening, you can bet, its going on and isn't someone looking for a good time or something just to generate attention. 
The other day during Church, there were some noises made of youth and adults that were both converts through the church through one of many marriages or divorces, more over just out of balance of the family unit. I guess that I'm  not only lucky, but blessed. By powers far beyond what is normally mortal. I had a set of parents and was born into a home that had all the joys that a home could have, including while not rich in the strictest sense, but enough to where my parents were able to provide the abilities for me to explore just about if not every childhood fantasy, and vocational career path that I wanted to. We had the ranch in Hazzard, lived in the city in Utah , had a plantation home just outside of Conyers Georgia, and a backwoods home just outside of Montgomery Alabama( Family ancestors which the town and county was named from). Not only that, I was born extra intelligent, not just book wise, but life wise. Outside of our family unit, I had Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and second and third cousins, that gave me the best all around, rounded upbringing. As such I never longed for much in that area, including getting taught a bunch of great life lessons, and instilling life knowledge. So while my head is in the clouds as far as being a pilot and enjoying aviation and flying, I also gained knowledge of the car and truck as well as Motorcycle engine. I can take em apart , put em back together. Granted my paint jobs are not all that great, I'm still learning that, but under the hood I can get-r-fixed. 
But I am getting off topic here, thing is, if your going to put out that your doing something , do it or shut up. Pappy Boyington taught, once you engage the target, finish the attack. Don't just puff up your chest, as someone just might take you up on it.