Wednesday, October 28, 2015

If its such a great idea, how come nobody else is doing it?

I can remember in the mid 1970's when I'd deliver product to Boise, how I'd look at the flats just east of Mountain Home Idaho. I thought would this be a great place to put a truck stop? Half way between Bliss and Boise. So brought the idea to Mom who was always ready to plant seeds of economic revival. Mom said go snoop it out, and we'll see. So I went up there and did some sniffing around, both Mom and dad as well as the real estate guy I met with said the same thing why here? If it's so great an idea how come no one else is doing it or has done it? At the time, Dad was in talks with another group working to build another truck stop near Boise, that you all call the Boise Stage Stop, that was created out of a small stop and go place. Guess my idea there wasn't such a bad idea. But the one in Mountain Home was a we'll see. A few years later my Dad along with the Pugmires of Hazzard and a few others brought forth the GearJammer, now a Pilot Travel Center. Now that entire hill is filled with business's. When at the time I saw it had one service station and a youth mental health behavorial center. When the GearJammer burned we lost an untold amount of money, some say it was due to a former associate that wanted the insurance money , but leaving the rest of the investors sailing with a empty pocket. 
Some of those creative skills I gained watching my parents and is what brought me to Evanston Wyoming, or at least one of those things. I saw a need for a media firm here. Not just radio , but Television as well. When TV went digital, it left only satellite and AllWest as the paths to watch TV. Why? And why doesn't AllWest put up at least one Wyoming TV station on their system, like WindJammer Cable did before AllWest bought em out? Are we Wyoming? Or are we Utah? There is a very quiet movement to make Evanston, part of or allow Evanston to be annexed by Utah. But I'm getting off topic. I saw a albeit limited, but a promise here. Not only media but my own prosperity , through Hazzard County Choppers/AyreWolf Aviation. More over both of the organizations my company supports, see promise here, with establishing Charters here. Both The Knytes-of-Dixie as well as the AyreWolvez. As I watched the Republican debate tonight I heard a lot of things. Mostly election barking with little substance. What I took away from this is, Social Security payments are going to shrink, I'll bet by at least $100.00 to $150.00 a month. I see Federal housing support, EBT Food Stamps, Medicaid being reduced. Its time to create jobs. It's time to carve out of this desert and the rocks of Western Wyoming, some sort of some thing to generate and support new jobs. My Mom used to tell me when I was small, the best way to get on your feet is to get off your butt. As usual its going to be the Knytes as well as the Wolf-Pack helping that to happen, but its why I was so damn mad at the barrage of local Law Enforcement descending on us at the shop a few weeks ago, over some swindler not paying for having their ride in my shop , that I did not authorize. All over the lack of no business license and so on. You don't step on the foot of the person teaching you how to dance, more over providing the band you dance to. But there they were. Yes it was something we just had not gotten to. Not because we were interested in circumventing the law, but we just had not gotten there. 
That aside, Evanston sits 90 miles east of salt Lake City, and 50 miles northeast of famed Park City Utah. The media and thesbian activity of that area, begs the need of having outlets that are on the way of creativity, and technology that's kind to both film, and media. One of our City Council members wants Evanston wants Evanston to be like Park City Utah. Problem is he's one that steps on the toes of those working to create media firms and paths for beginning actors, actress's to get a foot in the door. If not over the air, over the Internet via streaming, but its a place to start.
One of if not my best friends here in Evanston built his business focusing his efforts on servicing and repair of big rig trucks. Reason, he's really the only one between Rock Springs and Salt Lake City that does do that work. Its kind of a swap in reality. Nate was into sport bikes(motorcycles) and snow mobiles I was the one into trucks and farm equipment. That said, after hearing from many of our MC saying its a pain in the ass that there is no place to get a road bike repaired between Salt Lake City and Rock Springs. Be it Harley, Norton, Indian, or Triumph, so the MC came to me sat down and said since no one else is doing it, might as well be us, so over the last 5 months we've been building this half of Hazzard County Choppers here in Evanston. Along with of course HazzardAyre Radio/TV . When it comes to mobile road service and towing. Last January, when I was truly on the edge of bagging Evanston as a location, LiL Wolf
 suffered a freeze over. I called every other tow service in town. No body did freeze ups, or unfreezing trucks, or mobile service. Then I heard of a lady not being able to get a tire changed on the weekend, no tow service did tire changes, or battery jumps or lock outs. That's when I said, why not us. Originally opened under the banner of Highway Hooker Toewing, the Wolf Pack got together and said lets redo this. So we renamed as RodeWolf Toewing.  If its such a great idea, why isn't somebody else doing it? Because there are things, that many are spooked to try and do. Then it comes to gathering ladies together for photo shoots and video productions. All too many think its only a path for me to get my wick wet. The real reason the Salt Lake City metro area agencies, like all too many in this Union, forgets there's a union between NYC and Hollywood. Additionally, the Salt Lake City metro area so called talent agencies that hardly can get their talent work are too stuck up. If there is any kind of interaction between the client and the talent, or its too low budget they're not interested. So the view of the Knytes, build a sort of radical, rebel agency. The way you do that is use your own company or combined companies as the focus of ads. Recruit, train, and pay talent to work. Then you have examples of what YOUR talent can do. It's not a why Evanston, its a why the hell not Evanston? Now that way we are doing it, watch and see if others don't follow. Just because we haven't aired a TV ad, or ran a TV campaign in 15 years is due to lack of lady eye candy to enhance bikes, rods, customs, and yes even military aircraft. Think pin up posters. Like I told a local community college director here, just because there's no fish in the pond to fish from, does not mean one can't plant fish in that pond. Of course there's radio. I love radio. Have been in love with broadcasting since my introduction to it at age 7.  Back then there was schools that taught basic broadcast skills. Where a applicant of or to being an on air talent , back then we called ourselves Disc Jockies, today, its just on air personalities, as nobody plays records any more or at least very few., So why not start a course to teach budding radio people at least basic radio skills? The list goes on, but you start somewhere. Just because nobody else does it doesn't mean you shouldn't. 
HazzardAyre/RodeWolfFM radio in the morning at 6:00AM which ya'll can hear online at