It goes to prove that HazzardAyre Radio and us at RodeWolfFM will take on things that few if any other regionally produced radio or TV program will. Example, Lori Pritchard of KSL News AM puts up a thing on Facebook, I suggested she do up a segment on do modern women still wear nylons? Of course the suggestion and comment got taken down. Only the LDS chosen can leave comments there and be replied to. The frenemy relationship between KSL and us at HazzardAyre goes all the way back to when we took over the RoadGang show from them back in 1993. Since then KSL hates us to a point, but they keep us close because even though Bonneville Media doesn't feel we are a threat, they know we are a pest, and they LOVE keeping their eyes on us and their ears peeled.
But it gets down to this, no matter how wyld, extreme, or off sides a topic or subject is, HazzardAyre is not beyond covering it or exploring something just because its too spicy, to racy, or whatever, as HazzardAyre doesn't just look at the obvious, we look at the human condition, and what's going on IN REAL life, and as such, such topics as hose on legs, or does women ever have skid stains on the g-strings or is it really a bad thing for a guy to walk in the head if she's on the can doing poo? Or does this depend on how long a couple has been married as to whether the door to the domestic head(bathroom) is left open or closed?
This brings me to 2008, do you remember That it was during the last election season in 2008 when the roots to what is now HazzardAyre Radio/TV was being formed at Pocatello Public TV(Vision-12) . Back then I strolled in for nearly 4 hours a week, and did up the most outragious public access TV , Vision-12 had ever aired. Because of what we did then that Vision 12 and our shows BlackSheep TV AyreWolf TV and Hazzard County TV along with Dixie Diesel TV had the ratings surveyors taking ratings of a Cable access channel. Because of that local people and a few biggies did shows there. 4 years after in Buhl Idaho the seeds for HazzardAyre were planted and has germinated to current levels making HazzardAyre on of if not the biggest online media offerings online and in limited areas over the air.
Speaking of which, do any of you in the club, remember, that it was October 31st 1981 when the seeds that would become the Hazzard County Knytes(Knights) were planted, at the Polish Palace(Now the Snake River Grill) in Hagerman(Hazzard) Idaho? Granted it would take another year to September of 1982 for it all to come together, but 10-31-81 was when the Hazzard County Knytes(now the Knytes-of-Dixie) was conceived ?
I have to say, I am proud as I can be to have been part of the ride for these many years. What we started with a mere 15 people from both Hazzard, Buhl,Gooding, Shoshone and Jerome Idaho, has became nearly 51,000 members nation wide and all the way now into Canada. Yes the Knytes now has a charter in Canada. The power of the Knytes and magic of all that is, not was , but is Hazzard County is going and growing wider than anything Jimmy, Ron, Alan, Duane and Karl and myself could have imagined. All the Knytes was when we put it together was to be a business generator for the then Hazzard County Garage(now Hazzard County Choppers) . Which it has been, We as a club have done the impossible, and continue to not only write the book on what a custom ride group should be, but continues to write yet another book. I took a look the other day at the club's books, do ya'll realize the club, up to just this last August had reeled in just under by a few cents, $30,million in our treasury? Yes sir, granted that's now spread over 50 states and the new Canada charter, but still that's pretty cool. Not bad when you consider that the club was formed in Hazzard of then if it was lucky had 800 people in it.
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