Friday, October 30, 2015

With the Knytes or the Wolf Pack , Trust is everything!!

With the Knytes or the Wolf Pack, trust and honesty is everything. I took aim at this a few entries here on that, but I'm going to repeat it. When it comes to our organization, Trust and honesty mean everything. It's been engrained in our minds and souls since we were in diapers, additionally many of us albeit aviators, but as Marines we learned rapidly not only in basic and OTS Officer Training School, amongst others , if you can't count on your wing person or your unit, your dead. No if's and's or butt's. The basic mindset of the club is not entirely based on SOA. It's more along the lines of both DOH(Dukes-of-Hazzard) and albeit fictional in scope, but a Star Trek, alliance , called the Klingons, where honor and integrity mean everything even to death . This is why, anything we do, we do honestly and all or we flat don't do it. Now this don't mean we don't occassionally bend a few corners or the rules, but we always get the job done with our heads held high and pride in what we accomplish. 
This is why it bugs the dog turd out of me, when we do such things as this model stuff, when talent even questions our methods. We are a renegade, fight the system organization, but if we tell you something or I report it here, you can take it straight to the bank and deposit it. 
More on this Friday on the show, but if a gal applies for a model or feature talent opening with us, that can launch or at least enhance her talent show biz career, don't question everything we or I do. Just do as requested. Now granted it might be a big extension of duties, to help locate new studio/office locations, or recruit other gals they might know, and it is somewhat personal, when asked to befriend us on their Facebook page. That said, I'm not asking you to do our bidding we'll do that ourselves, just sometimes if your doing your daily routine you see a location, point us in that direction, likewise, if you know or meet someone that you think might be an assette to our projects, just give em our phone number, we'll take it from there. 
Any mile much to do today, so gotta hit the rack. See ya'll on the radio this evening.