Yesterday was a shitter with a BIG shit. All started well, but I decided to attempt to hit the trail to go fetch LexiBelle, Got to the 84/80 split, and coming out of the corner gave old General JaXson some kick, and poof, blew a heater hose. As I limped to Morgan, Utah with the temp guage inching higher I slid into Young's Dodge there at Morgan, Utah. And come Monday good old General JaXson will be home all repaired. Will attempt LexiBelle rescue next month. But the repair sucked $500.00 out of my butt, so all but $50.00 is gone. So going have to lean on my partner at the shop for shop rent and my house rent of $180.00. Not much going to get done for a few weeks any way. So with a rental a 2015 Dodge Journey something nice to get around in, but I wouldn't buy one. It sucks, too much tech, hardly a key more like a push button to start the damn thing, controls not place in the right place, and a bit higher to entry naw give me a good old fashion Chevy, or if a Dodge, a pre 2000 model. Something you don't need a degree in computer technology to repair.
So that's why I was not on air, nor writing last night. I came home diddled at the shop, went and grabbed a meal at McDonalds, Really? If I have ever said it once I'll say it again, can the Evanston McDonalds, be any worse? If so why does the owner or manager there keep hiring these idiots, to work graves? I mean food isn't hot or even warm, the fries are old and grungy, and the sense of humor, is not there. You can't visit with one of those people on any level, even prehistoric, the intercom needs work you can barely understand any body, with so called modern tech as it is you'd think that fast food would adopt something like a small keyboard or at least a intercom system that one could understand, with better sound quality. It's not just McDonalds, the slightly over minimum wage youngster at our Kentucky Fried Chicken/Taco Bell, isn't that much better. Ordered a patato bowl, got at first a salad bowl, come on people. GET IT TOGETHER!! This is the dawning of the 21st Century. Not the dawning of the 19th Century.
See ya'll on the air Sunday Afternoon, taking the rest of the day off of everything, going to the shop, then coming here to the Wolf's Den, bath, TV food, Bed. Pretty much in that order.