as the point of level of dedication and most importantly return to home base of a talent from a pre interview. If talking and all about this
doesn't scare a talent then it's a most likely a decided fact that she's going to be a keeper. If I don't get a response from a talent or a call saying , " I got to thinking about it but decided not to, sorry" Then I know that at least had a nice visit, and again figure the only way this get's done is with a trip to southern California, Let's all pray that , this is not the case here. Of course doing shots like this
then again we have a keeper. Have only worked with two in 25 years that came in off the street from a ad and had the guts and attitude that would do those kinds of shots. It's all for publicity of the radio gig, the shop, RodeWolf Toewing and as many of you know, doing photos of feet especially toes in nylons has became an extended hobby of mine because the words TOE and TOW sound alike, nearly spelled alike, yet mean two different things, but considering I'm not the only one that has went out on the toew gig. I remember a publication that came out in about 1987 called PhooteNotes, spelling foot as phoote. Which in 2009 was bought and transformed into T.R. (Towing& Recovery) FootNotes. Which in case you haven't figured out the Rode Knytes have purchased and is developing it all back into PhooteNotes. So I still at every possible time, am examining the toes in nylons or hose, to see if the toes and all of the chosen talent can be used as article headers and used for article feed headers. It's all visuals. On a side note, and it depends on how many gals we can recruit for enhancement models, is a project to follow up on one of our old video projects, will be producing a video , calendar and giveaways called Hot Harley's and Hookers. Hooker being tow oops sorry toew trucks. Not just show trucks but all configurations and conditions. Yes the best looking classic toew trucks, and bikes, enhanced by super hot gals in their jeans and shorts, but no or few heels, just their stocking feet and toes . I'm looking forward to that. Now to bring this in for a landing. I had every thought of going down to the shop at 10:00PM but, after food, sugar level went goofy, so I aimed towards sleep and watched this hyped TV show on CH-4 but got bored, so hit the net to finish some pre production work. So yes today was a great day, now lets see if our new talent find shows up and blows my mind.
TTYLY that's Talk To You Later Ya'll