So had the meet and greet at Sud's Brothers. And I must say, I'm very impressed and thing we have found the honey we need, at least the lead for what we've been looking for , for a long time and for those asking the ultimate question did I smooch toes in hose? Answer, no. Atmosphere was not right. Hubby was there, in public and only at the shop, just wasn't kosher to attempt that, but she was dressed for it, perhaps at her prep session this weekend. But I'm pretty sure she's dedicated so its off to the highway getting it done. There was another that said she was in, named Rashelle, but she never showed. Guess taking a day from her $10.00 an hour job, to come where the interview is for a $30.00 on radio, $200.00 per hour beginning on video modeling was not enough of a draw. Guess she'll be serving bread sticks for quite some time, but to be fair I'll hold a spot open for about a week, after that its we go with who we have. Granted the gig doesn't really kick into high gear until early March weather permitting, but there's a bunch of prep work, and rehearsing and so on , long before the vid crew from Nashville shows up to do the shoots.
The waiting at Suds Brothers was to accomodate Rashelle, as if I knew she wasn't interested or able or what ever I could have gulped down the ice tea, headed to the shop and then here at the studio where its WARM, and got some work done.
But we are now on course. Haven't came up with a stage name for her yet, but I'm working on it.
Okay then , plan to be on air in the morning at 06:00 going to finish up some show prep, catch some sleepo and TV, and head to the shop , pretty much in order.