Thursday, October 15, 2015

The night of romance interrupted by infomercials, Don't TV people get it?

Some days I wonder if in fact those folks at TV network Hq' realizes that their decisions on making green in their jeans overnight, really is a targeted plan for just pissing people off, or if there is value running 1 hour ad crap infomercials between 3 to 04:00 hours. Thing is, just when you get ready to seal the deal with your sweetie and you've just got done watching a good movie, and your getting into some real pig sex where your rooting around, and some idiotic pitch man comes on selling some stupid product, or a weight loss gizmo. Dang it, nothing kicks the shit in the head, worse than some body pitching the idea of Gerber life insurance for a new born. The mind clicks on this and goes, " hey buddy this could happen if you keep playin" So Herman goes down to near sleep . And its coffee time. Or you get done getting busy, and some joker comes on about Viagra. Damn didn't I do a good job? Thing is mid early morning there is flat nothing on TV. Used to be the cutting edge was cable TV. Where you had some serious flicks on to get you through the night. Now your stuck and while not bad, but your stuck with Hulu or Netflix. Cable TV networks need to not roll over and die, but get back in the game. Shread and shed these damn infomercials, and give us some decent TV. Pretty damn bad the only networks on TV that are any good over night is the Disney Channel, TBS, TNT and if your lucky AMC, after all nothing says romance like the Walking Dead. 
Any flyte, I'm just about dead, here so putting this byrd in the shack and headed for the rack.
L8R Aviators,