Howdy pards, its a great day in our sky. I was going to go out and run a test hop of a Bell 222A, but its so damn hot outside, decided to remain indoors with AC on full and just take a few hours as a lazy dawg day. The Daymare continues and yesterday is still plaguing me. While I appreciate the effort and it has saved my ass from premature nicotine withdrawl, still I still feel funny about it. While the gift will be repaid, still coming so low as to have a Military mother sacrifice her kids penny change to assist a Confederate Marine Colonel to be able to get my nicotine habit satisfied demanded and demands I get my rumpus in gear to fix things. Western Idaho is worse off than eastern Idaho and overall economically all of Idaho is in serious trouble. I read earlier today that there are measures being examined at the legislative level of cutting not only budgets, and programs, even employees, there is even examination of eliminating entire agencies. One I'd like to see hit the skids is the Idaho State Department of Health and Welfare. Or at least that agency restructured. Take the child support enforcement division and just scoot that under the Department of Law Enforcement. Then scale down some things at the agencies regional offices. Have you ever seen the amount of waste at one of these offices, not too mention that 9 out of 10 people in there are of the Mexican populous? That's right spics. If there is hunger and state aid needed how about making that aid available for those born, raised and living in THIS COUNTRY first. Send the Chicanos back to Mexico, and say, hey need help? Go ask your own damn government for it. Sorry the door is CLOSED. That of course will not happen , but can you imagine the savings and increases in benefits for us domestic born citizens in this extremely divided nation? But Idaho is in trouble, but shy of being in the Governors office, I cain't do shit to fix it. So for my survival I must begin to look elsewhere for a set of quarters. Once phone is in, the shit in Elmore County is over to save myself it means U-Haul time. Destination will depend on where I can afford to go. But most likely in the short term , close to Cuzzin Bud. This could be a good thing. While the blooming Morons of Utah and all are nothing to be championed I also know there's more in Utah than Idaho. So we be going there after the holidays to find quarters, shop, hanger and of course studio offices. Not exactly in that order. But I'm making changes as change is needed , especially thinking over having to beg like a dawg when I am a WOLF, moreover that my begging took pennies from kids. Bottom line this bullshit has got to stop.
Quote of the Day:
When it is a question of money, everyone is of the same religion.
--Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, 18th-century French author, wit and philosopher
Isaiah 26:3“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |