Sunday, August 16, 2009

If you can't join them Beat them


When I stumbled into radio and was looking at that as my only career, I had no concept of putting radio and going towing into one operation, you either did one or the other , not both. At the time there were many OTR radio shows out there, but few if any directly looked at the issues and concerns of us going towing. No body talked about tow regs, tow shows and so on, nobody featured other towing services doing well, at least on radio or mass media. Yes there were and are towing print publications, Tow Times, American Towman, and others but little on radio. It wasn't until I went down to Hollywierd in 1984 that I saw the multitudes of towing pros, some just sitting like taxi cabs waiting for the mass urban commute to render services. I thought then for every two OTR haulers out there, there is about 5 tow drivers. What if there was a gig or those trying to make a buck driving a tow truck? Syndicate the damn show to other bigger radio stations coast to coast and give them a market few had ever thought about tapping into. But you have to have a catchy title. Since the name of my going towing company at the time was Highway Hooker Towing I thought how about Highway Hooker Radio. I did not create that handle, somebody once named a quite great looking heavy hook , that name the Happy Hooker. The term is generated from the fact on the ends of the chains and cables used in towing there are hooks on the ends. But for me I have to keep explaining that. The name for radio just came as I saw this thing about a punk rock band called Bare Naked Ladies, that A; were not bare naked, B; not ladies, but the image just got you if nothing else to check out their web site and give them an ear. If it worked for them why not me? Added to that Howard Stern had Robin Quivers as a co-host, news anchor, again a good pairing. If it worked for Stern , it might could work for us. By 1987 Highway Hooker Radio was ready to go, and it did. As part of the program package of Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio, we brought towing radio to the ears of all going towing. Of course in 1988, my son was born, many financial and other issues to contend with, so I dropped radio as an all time gig. Although I kept most of the gear and all  just at the time having the want to do it. But in 1992 at the urging of the UAITA, the parent of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, KTOW fired back up in Rupert Idaho. This time I had my ah Robin, and my was she hot. But this was when streaming radio was in its infancy. Just were not that many web site builders in Rupert, and I was looking at mostly regular radio. After my divorce to Janice in 1996 I decided it was high time to make this radio gig unwind or just forget it. More gear was bought, I settled in Utah and was just about to launch things full bore in 2002 when the rug got pulled out from under me. See Cuzzin Bud had invested some $80,000.00 into a thing called Metro Securities a annuity, that was paying a good interest income,so that the Montgomery Trust would not invade its own structure. But that $80,000.00 really hurt. It was gone. Or so I thought. The recovery will be slow. The court agreement is the court, pays right at $25,000.00 or so every odd numbered year until that $80,000.00 is fully paid plus pays back all legal fees. To date there has been $50,000.00 paid back not including interest and legal fees. There is right at $200,000.00 yet to be paid. But before Bud gives me more money, I have to have a workable plan,and not waste it putting a roof on a building I don't own. So the soon to come thing has to do with developing the plan, then once the bucks are in the bank, put that $200,000.00 divided in half , $100,000.00 into going, towing. The other $100G's into a full power towing/Trucker radio station. Any mile big day today need rest see ya'll in the morning, meds kicking in.



Quote of the Day:
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
--George Santayana
2 Corinthians 10:17-18“But, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord." For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.”

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