Sunday, August 16, 2009

Its that time of the year again


It's that tyme again, weather is getting a bit cooler overnight and you might be thinking maybe its time to check out the furnace. While you might be turning on the AC during the day, the hours of having your heat on overnight is rapidly approaching. So some tips here to make sure your house is ready. Check the filters, its said so many times but those filters for both exiting and incoming air are very important to efficient energy use and ultimate comfort. Don't forget to take the shop vac out and suck up the mouse turds and bugs that have accumulated over the summer. Check out the fan motor, is it oiled? How about the drive belts? If your using small wall mounted heaters are they in good shape? What about the electrical connections? All snug? Now Fireplaces are another thing and it depends on what style your using, but check the Chimney to make sure all those birds nests and debris are not blocking the stack. As well as creosote build up. You might have put that off over the Summer but now's the time before the rush, to get someone to clean it all up. How about wood? Have you got enough to start out the season? If not might be time to head for the hills to do some wood chopping. Doing that when its 70 below in the freezing snow might be a fun time, but it can be chill as well. Why not get on your Gator and take the famdamnly up with you, make it an outing, get your kids comfortable with using a chain saw, have a marshmallow cookout some smores are always good, cut some wood then you'll be ready when it really gets bad. Finally what about your precious ride? Have you checked it out? How about Antifreeze, levels, belts, hoses, the heater itself, thermostat , condition of the radiator? Do you have your traction tires and/or snow tires mounted up on scrap wheels to mount on your ride when it turns white? What about those safety chains, pull out straps, jumper cables, how about the battery or batteries? Charged, in good shape, for cold starting. What about starting fluid? Now is the time to get these chores done. Don't wait until the last second or hour, when you want to go to the show and you can't o cuzz your ride ain't ready to go in the snow. Next time your tow truck is she ready?



Quote of the Day:
Everything that lives, Lives not alone, nor for itself.
--William Blake
2 Corinthians 7:1“Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”

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