In my tiny part of the world I have came to the conclusion that if I'm not pissing someone off, I'm not doing my job. The thing is, for good or bad , if what I write gets anyone to use that organ between their ears then it gets them to look upon their tiny world and maybe think. Lets face it, if we as American's could trust those we elect to office to do what they say their going to do while they are running for office then I'd proudly shut the hell up. If all those crooks in DC and hell even as close as Boise would actually keep their promises that they make when shaking your hand at a city hall town meeting, I'd get off line, and never udder another word. The fact is we cain't . From Sheriff's to Governors , to Senate one cain't depend on any of them. Once they are elected its crap as normal. Here's an example, with county financial budgets as tight as a ticks ass, instead of hiring new deputies for a already needing county, what happens? They go out and buy all new Dodge Chargers. Granted there are units in the fleet that needed replaced, but at a cost of what $25,000.00 or better a pop, plus new light bars at $2,000.00 a snag, that money could have put a new deputy or two in both Glenns Ferry or King Hill. On my side , what happened to that idea of putting someone in towing to help decide who gets on a rotation tow list, that I was promised? Never happened. Even with a very needed cosmetic makeover, at 3:00AM in the deep Idaho snow, who cares if the truck is a show truck? As long as it can clear the road? For that matter, did Deputy Long, ever think that hey if the guy can make some money he can then fix up his truck? Instead of fix it up before, then put it to work. Okay enuff of howling in my oatmeal here, but my mission is to make those who should look at themselves in the mirror and say instead of trashing someone that has a new fresh look at the community, maybe join up with the guy(me) and help change things that need changed. Did Obama fix anything? If McCain had won would he have done any better? The obvious answers are no. While some unknowledgeable people might think that the word Confederate means hate, or slavery is just plain stupid. Confederate means change, a needed change. And as long as DC and others keep fumbling the ball at the 5 yard lines of government, I'll be doing my best to get the CSA/CNP message out. In whatever method I can. Jessie Duke once said, the best way to get on your feet, is to get off your butt. That means instead of just bitching of things going sour, get up and do something about it. True you may get bashed, you might even get hurt, but at least you can say I did something besides just bitch. I applaud Missy and Eagle Eye for trying to fight for the WECRD, whatever that is, but at least they got off their butts to do SOMETHING instead of just getting steamrolled . Everything starts little bitty, few things unless your digging a hole can you start at the top, and work down, the Knytes, are at the bottom of the ladder of fighting for the ideals and concepts of the CSA/CNP here in YankeeVille, but we are at least doing something. So if I'm not pissing someone off I'm not doing my job. Any mile need to R&R a fuel pump on Lexi so gotta breeze, but keep this in mind and watch for our full bore web site coming in just one month. Signed the contract for a studio here in Gooding now we uncork this bottle.
Quote of the Day:
The bananas were like that when I got here!
--Humpty Dumpty
Psalm 16:8“I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |