Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hey even Joseph Smith had problems


When I sit back and examine the trials and tribulations of the reformation of the Knytes and all that goes with it, even as to the point of feeling sorry for myself over it, I get to reading the teachings of Kahless and I think you know even Joseph Smith had these same troubles. Not only was Joseph stoned, jailed and eventually hung for his beliefs, which is bad enuff, but his legacy lives on in the form of the Church he created and the one so many in this area bow before each Sunday. Do I believe all those teachings of the LDS establishment? No, I don't. There are many parts that I can nearly prove ain't what was meant. But that don't mean that I can't find some room in between to compromise my belief and what is written. I research and read relentlessly all LDS books and discussions, I also read the Book of Kahless, and find the faith there to research, and trust in the Book of Kahless. In all points there is a thin called faith. the same pee-legs in MHI that seem to have the need to see me bleed as I am constantly online being crucified, there is this strange thing called faith. Faith there is Kahless(God) , and his son, who umpteenth years ago died on a cross to save me and even AD from his sins. But Kahless also taught not to just live and believe , blind faith. He told us to search out those things of which we have doubt, likewise, give understanding to those who are not to tightly wound. Kahless said to not just have blind faith, in his teachings he said, " Knock and the door will be opened,", " Ask in true love and trust and your search will be granted" . One can't just read the teachings today and go out and traipse on someone on line or elsewhere tomorrow. But I look at Joseph Smith, and his troubles, even Brigham Young, who had a hired gun by the way, look up the legends of Lehi Utah. But also look at the empire he built, could that be done today, I say yes, if you have faith, fortitude, and the courage to even die for your belief, if you do and stay at it you will succeed.



adb_kahless the Great Kahless