Of course there are a few more things I forgot to say on AD's IP, Radio Station. Once you have at least 4 computers, and they had all better being ran by a server through at least a T-1 or faster IP connection, At least two of them had better be loaded down with the latest on air broadcast software. Next your going to need a consol, the heart of any station. For that best have at least $5,000.00 in your wallet and thats for one with no frills. Why do you think I tried to get that ARRAKIS board from Cam-8? Next you'll need to have multiple audio sources, from tape, network, and of course live inputs. At least 3 codecs to packet your inputs, 4 codecs to upload them, and then a local ISP in MHI that can handle all your traffic, and just your traffic, of course the T-1 is a good option , but there are at least 7 people in front of you applying for one of those, one being the UAITA. Now lets say AD, makes it that far. Even gets on the air, even infringes on our copyright and uses Highway Hooker Radio. Hope he loves law suits, and has one damn good attorney. N not just ours that would be launched, but all those who we are in court with, from our prior radio history. In radio in any delivery method, there is going to be at least 5 out of 9 people that will be offended and insulted at something you say, or an issue you bring up. So your always in court. So fine AD use our name let them others sue you for awhile. Then having to constantly explain he meaning of the name of the show, since many in our great trucking nation have CB memories, so many will not understand the true definition. Now if AD gets past all that, has the technical background to put it together, the long hours of writing programs, researching topics and so on, lets say he does go to the Pilot to talk to truckers. After the better part of 30 years of me being on air and the mouthpiece of western America's long haul over the road truckers and the only on air radio voice of going towing, of 10 truckers up there at the pilot there might not be 6 who have never heard of my radio show. However the ones who do know and here is the kicker, wonder what happens when one of the UAITA as well as the Knytes hears an interview going on there and steps in the middle? Don't yu think that a few of them are going to want to have a hand to shoulder discussion with you ole AD? But hey if you want to give me competition go for it, it just gives me more of a umph in my complacency , trust me you can't do what we , rather I do. The way I do it. But hey try.
L8R Ya'll
Quote of the Day:
Commonsense and good nature will do a lot to make the pilgrimage of life not too difficult.
--William Somerset Maugham
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