Monday, August 17, 2009

Woodstock 40 years later part 2

taking-woodstock-poster woodstock


The answers to my earlier blawg of could such an event be produced and delivered in Idaho is I think and I could be wrong, but IMO, NO! Maybe , and that's a stretch but maybe Boise. But the same restrictions that plague the rest of Idaho would be the same. LDS and other very conservative views and boycott threats to sponsors would hinder such an event. I could just see AD and his brood would make a fuss over that. My inquiry to some of this is why? I hear so many times , bad things cast to the greater LDS population, things like those dang Mormons wont let you do this or that, thing is even those saying that will not go against that thought or plan. After all best protect your job, and in this area most major employers or boss' are LDS. This is not a bad thing of course. I even have said I think the ultra-conservative LDS mindset, but at the same time, even though I do overtly side step some gospel rules, like this stuff behind my lip, my thoughts that God(Kahless) put great looking women on Earth to be looked at, its the observer who makes that dirty, and the list goes on and that's getting off point here, sorry about that, Thing is, could an event of the nature and scope, be done in Idaho? I really want to know, so email me at the flyte shaq, . Let me know your thoughts on this issue.



2 Corinthians 10:17-18“But, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord." For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.”

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Quote of the Day:
I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out.
--Rodney Dangerfield