Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A matter of dedication and pride still home brewed

Last night I gave ya'll a brief look into the foundation of the radio werx here at the Hazzard County Syndicate that includes both the AyreWolvez as well as the Knytes of Dixie. So why didn't the applicants understand the basic premises here? One thought I wasn't impressed and wasn't in a big hurry to run up here to put together a schedule, contract etc. When in fact that is the next step./ That she wanted to meet more of the club, that too is another reason why I wanted her to come up here, preferably before the snow gets too deep or slick to breeze up here. Sure it's an hour or so's drive up here. But if your not dedicated to doing a bit of driving up here to prep for a gig or do the paper work etc, what makes me or the Syndicate sure you're going to be here when there's a snap two gig that comes up? It's a now that we have gotten to know each other and all warm and fuzzy, now its time to march down the aisle and get serious business wise. Maybe they just don't understand that being one of our gals, here at the Syndicate, means you are on a part time to full time call. You are retained each month to be ready when the President calls me and says have her ready. Long before I put my lips to toes in hose, we have to know each other pretty well, more over LONG before your wearing a jacket, and all of the club as one of the Ladies-of-the Knytes, You need to demonstrate dependability, otherwise we might not be ready for each other.
One says she's rolling through here on Friday to take her daughter to a boxing match, I'm available pretty much anytime depending on weather. USE THE CELL PHONE, mine works ALL THE TIME!! So when I crawl in here 
 to do my gig on the air, understand that since 1974, I've been doing radio for the highway and military aviators. I have yet to take a complete, none working vacation in that time that didn't have the club or the Syndicate involved somewhere. The last time I took a bit of time off was 25 years ago, when all I did was turn off the computer, unplug and just sleep, rest, watch TV, again sleep. Morning, noon or night it doesn't matter, 
 in here 
 doing radio. The reasons for night time in my next entry, but this gig is home brewed, and I'm dedicated, and all that becomes involved needs to be as dedicated as I am, or they might want to look elsewhere. 
 It's time ladies to Join the AyreWolf A-Team.