So your cyber flying and you notice a new person has added you to their Google + Plus account. Some look like hot chiquitas but what I've came to learn is the vast amount of them are nothing but posers that are harvesting your content to send you spam. In fact most do not look like the pictures, and after all common southern thought says why are they looking at you? Nothing that hot is looking for a kountry agricultural pilot in Wyoming. Or a biker in Idaho. The same goes for a few of those feministas are posing as women that want you to hook up with them, when in fact they most likely are from some nation half way around the world in Russia, or Syria or some such location. This most likely is aimed at retired military from these areas. Much of that spam, contains spyware, malware, and more. My advice is; Don't mess with it, just discard the request. Recently in a conversation with my Bishop here, he suggested to look for a good woman to finally marry,(if that's even possible) is to look online. Of course there's all sorts of sites for online dating and mating, some are legit , but most have candidates that are only there to reek havoc on your computer. Yes your going to get screwed allright just in the way you envisioned. Got lots of Vasaline? If the Church can't or wont help there, in that kind of social operation, kick you Part 89 of the D&C in the head, and go to a bar. Sure the people there you want to meet may not be church converts or even church members although there are many who are, and lasting relationships may not be possible there, but at least you get to meet, someone that'll keep you warm at night and if your lucky you wont have to chew your arm off in the morning to get out of there before she wakes up.
In closing, the social sites are about as great and all, but most contain people that are losers just like the fat mamas that used to be on ye ole CB. They had great looking voices, but if you finally located them and met them in person, you realize that you should have stayed on the highway in your truck. As for Google + Plus invites, my advice is don't respond to ANY of them , unless you really know them, same goes for Facebook.