Ever try to defend an ideal or a religious body? Now I've been defending the cause of our Southern ancestors and restoration of Dixie for nearly 30 years. However I really got hammered when I attempted and still am defending the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, over its new policies regarding LGBT Same gender couples with Children gaining in the church any type of serious attribution until 18 when the Child or youth must then denounce their parents if they are same gender parents. My view is simple. God did not make us biological or mentally capable of making someone of the same gender as our earthly mates. The idea of shacking up with another guy to me is revolting and fully against nature and our Heavenly Father. And just like many including the founding prophet I'm taking heat being called names that shouldn't be allowed in a public forum. The real surprize here is the bad mouthing and all is coming from predominately LDS areas, from Boise to Salt Lake City. I'm one who just does not believe but knows that the policies of the church to lead the multitudes of of church members is not something that a bunch of old White men in some secret office somewhere brought up, its inspired by Heavenly Father. He has just said enough is enough. Now is it proper to make children atone for their Parents mistakes? As well as sins? Probably
not. However remember Heavenly Father had his only son atone for ours, so what's the difference? There are several, but it boils down to the era of course, but people so stiffnecked and all in themselves to look beyond their nose and see their face. I'll have a whole bit on air in the morning on KKODFM. www.livestream.com/kkodfm starting at 08:00 AM. But I will close with this, if all bark at this as some sort of restriction on their ability to express their own way, and or self expression, then why is it that the same people will use the same argument in defense of Church policy or that when I'm looking to cast women for model gigs , especially if it has me smooching a gals toes to play on the words toe and tow? Oh says Urban Talent and all the rest, that's just nasty , but marrying a person of the same gender isn't? Like my Mom used to say, my what a long tail the kitty got? More over ain't that the pot calling the kettle black?