Monday, November 9, 2015

Another one gone, whew

Well that too went sour but I'm not surprised. Since few if anyone else besides myself is all that eager to move to Evansgone Wyoming. Sure I got suckered punched , once last year this time when instead I could've taken a room in Tooele Utah , and retained the facility in Woods Cross Utah, and more than likely have the website up, and a heap of other things. I also got sucker punched when I was about to dump the shop last July, and kept it due to a bunch of promises that few kept. At this point, I'm nearly ready to say , fix the rigs I own, get through winter and come mid spring get my ass outta here. Why worry about fetching LexiBelle, or anything? Just clean up the mess and blow off this pop stand. 
Last night I had to witness something I don't like to see. Two great people fussing at one another. Not that I wanted to see it, but I was like a deer in headlights, on one side wanting to gracefully depart and avoid it, but stuck there due to friendship and partnership. I'm not saying I'm done yet, but I'm so close to it, that I really don't care much and am looking at mostly saving my own butt, and as said come May or June, look at getting my ass outta here unless a heck of a lot changes. Changes in like; finding a few chiqadees to be on air, as well as the website, cash coming in much faster to keep up with the bills, people that wont say yes, then a few days or even hours saying no. Any time anyone says, Oh I'll think about it, its a pretty much real that they're saying no, just being polite about it. The list goes on, but the ending episodes to this disaster I call Evansgone Wyoming is on the horizon, and I'm getting into a groove to come June, move.
MJ bugged out, thought she would. As said few move to Evansgone, especially those living in Utah. Few want to give up the trappings of metro Utah, to engage a place that is nearly dead. The trouble is few can see that, the worst of it, few want to change it. Stay tuned.