I spent most of my day today on the commode , much of the junk they pass up your butt to do the picture taking during none invasive exploration , is hardly none invasive. Thing is it's not just the stuff I took for my colonoscopy , nope last night overnight doing production prep work, I made a sort of Hamburger that you get from WalMart. Only thing is while most of it cooked, there were parts sort of raw. Albeit it had been in the refridgerator still it did not sit well, so I've been sitting and well, you get the idea. Then I noticed that my arms and neck had some tiny bite marks on me. Even though most of the pesky pests are asleep for the winter, there are some very much alive. In fact feeding off of me, so grabbed my bedding hauled to a laundry mat, and I think I got most of them. Finally here, who the hell are all these partly scrumptious women on my Google + Plus? Seems as if every day there's a new one adding me to THEIR circle. Who the hell are they? My suspicions are their trollers, and most don't look like that pic on their profile. The only people in their circles if you look are guys, whom they most likely conned in some form or another. I don't add anyone either FB nor Google + anyone I don't know, more over if a gal likes me, wants to meet me and wants my undivided attention, be it for a talent job opening or personal, a gal who has these>
Radio show will be on Friday morning at 07:00 hours.
L8R Aviators,