Friday, November 6, 2015
Another project that'll go to Hollywood, because of ignorance and arrogance
It was a real gasser bein on the air last night again, quite a few people are getting into what we do. Even a few competitors in the streaming world are taking notice and giving us a come on here wink. Guess 28,million listeners can't be wrong.
Still didn't even get a squeak from Young's Dodge in Morgan. Seems as they decided to call it all a draw. Thing they don't understand, is I'm telling ya'll here and on the air, it may be okay to buy a new ride there, but don't have it fixed there. As if there's even a gap in your warrentee or even if your factory coverage expired, they'll soak you in repair costs. Damn near $100.00 an hour. Wish I could make that at our shop, and we do better work. While I can stomach this okay, the right thing for Young's to do is refund the labor costs since they only did the job half way, or half ass'd. My advice don't go there.
Last, was supposed to get a call for a visit for one of our applying poster girl pin up gal applicants for a quick meet and greet. Guess what? No call. No big surprise and I'm usually bowled over, if there is. What'd really bowl me over is if just one of the none agency applicants would follow through. Call, apply, audition, rehearse, sign release, get paid, get the hell out. But nope not even a bit of KY Jelly over my ass for the screwing I get and it does not leave a smile on my face , just like the service department at Young's Dodge there In Morgan Utah. Getting back to our pin up girl thing. This is going to be another one of those projects that the club and I figure out its best to just farm it out to some big outfit in California, they come in, do the photo session, get paid, its done. But then I get the visits and snarls, from local , county and state officials and old timers who say , " Why didn't you hire local girls, why didn't you use area talent? Of which I always come back and say, " Because the local or area talent is too damn stuck up, think their poop don't smell, and get the heebe jeebies and wont even do a second phone call or visit, that's why"
Oh well their loss, but remember it was me and the Wolf Pack that got the first and last exotic dance license ever issued in Morgan City. Yep back in 2003/2004. Amazing huh? Any flyte off to food, fuel, skoal, and then back here to get things produced for tonights show.